We here at InterFace are extremely proud of the support and
feedback we have received from you, our valued reader. This WWW
site has experienced tremendous access from every corner of the
globe and continues to grow exponentially with each passing day.
We have also noticed that a great deal of you out there work for
major computer and technology firms. Therefore we kindly request
your active participation in the following venture.
InterFace would like to develop strategic alliances with your
respective companies.
In other words, we are inviting corporate sponsors to join us.
To facilitate these relationships, we have developed a
corporate information package.
Alias Research is still aboard as well.
Winners of the IFM Meadal of Valour.
They've been doing well.
Two "clicks" up to SGI
Still greatly appreciated!!
We should also mention some other intelligent folk:
Industry Canada
Pacific Interconnect
Softwords Research International
BC Tel Advanced Com
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Contents Copyright 1996 InterFace Magazine