hide random home http://vvv.com/interface/cable.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Will Cable Blow A Fuse?

One of the most difficult things to accomplish in life these days, is the ability to provide information freely to the human species. You may find this argument quite unplausable considering the exponential growth of Cspace in the past few months but believe me, it's true!

Remember the good old days of the internet when everyone communicated freely with everyone else? Remember how we used to upload and download and FTP from hither and yon right back @ya. When everyone could read what you were thinking, and writing, and transfering. Free from restriction, corporate manipulation and strategic entrapment.I remember it. It was way last year!

My...how things have changed. We knew it wouldn't last. We knew that inevitably others would show up to try and claim cybertory.The big corporate bucks proudly strutting their stuff. Running around tele-butting each other, all trying to gain "competitive advantage." Scant billions have been invested thus far, yet still... major players continue to enter the foray, only to vanish into the cybereddies and backwashes of the web. Huge megacorporations which have spend millions on traditional advertising techniques, yet still can't get more "hits" on their web page than some college kids empty coffee pot.

Why? Because they still don't get it...that's why!

Everyone checks out dozens if not hundreds of sites. How can you possibly expect -yours- to stick out? Quit asking such stupid questions. Have something people want to read on your pages, not dryer fluff!
Content is King!

Now the Cable companies have announced cautious entrance into the labrynith. Can you imagine the stress on a middle-management cable sales exec. these days? Thousands of dollars worth of Bill Blass cufflinks pounding the Jacaranda, perplexed, asking the same question over and over. How do we make money off of this thing?

Trying to sneak into the marketplace of an already, exponentially mutating, self-regulated...phenomena: in order to convince people (who have already been wired for years) that the internet is a real, neat thing, and we'd like to be able to suck tons more money out of you, for something which already exists. Although we had absolutely nothing to do with creating it: because we were too busy selling infomercials about sprayable hair-paint to be bothered! But try us anyway because we're faster and a modem only costs a thousand dollars and we promise that there still won't be anyone to answer your support calls.
What more could you ask for? Besides it's the wave of the future. Might as well accept the inevitable.
We (the cable company) are going to win.
Hmmmmmmm, sounds just a tad pretentious to me.

There may be a flaw in the diamond. Cableco's want to provide net services over the tube. Blindly led by raw greed, they just may have inadvertently cracked open the door to self-destruction. Why? Because if this type of regulation goes through, then the telecos (and anyone else) must be allowed to provide TV services as well.
Fair is fair!
<">The consumer of yesteryear is not the consumer of today.
The consumer of the future is the consumer of today.
We've know it all along.
People... (expecially netheads)... already understand this concept.
Valuable information does not include 30 minute infomercials.
No matter how fast the connection!
We are sorry,... that menality is no longer valid.
Please try again @ another time.
The answer is 42.
Thank you for attending.

Yet everyone is still asking the 64 million dollar question!
How do I make money off this internet thing?

A. Content!

You read it here first.
P.S. That'll be sixty 4 and change R.S.V.P.

(c)IFM/95 Website

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