(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
What is VolcanoWorld ?
What is VolcanoWorld ?
Volcanoes are one of the most dramatic phenomena in nature,
attracting millions of visitors each year to US national parks, and fascinating millions more children in school science courses.
We will greatly enrich the learning
experiences of these targeted groups by delivering high
quality remote sensing images, other data, and
interactive experiments that add depth, variety and currency
to existing volcano information sources.
brings modern and near real time volcano
information to specific target audiences and other users of the Internet.
VolcanoWorld draws extensively on remote sensing images
(AVHRR, Landsat TM, Magellan, Gloria,
etc.) and other data collections.
We add value to these data by relating each image to geologic
processes, and by encouraging users to analyze images with provided
VolcanoWorld has a very easy to use, Hypercard-like interface which
will ultimately have these options:
- Update on volcanic activity
- Volcanic regions
- How volcanoes work
- Historical eruptions
- Submarine volcanoes
- Planetary volcanoes
- How to become a volcanologist
- Ask a volcanologist
- Volcano contests
- Further explorations
- About this volcano
Maps provide an intuitive interface for navigating to further
information. Content areas will gradually include image-based interactive
experiments that stimulate learning because they are fun.
Because many of VolcanoWorld's visitors will be casual browsers,
we want to design a fast, quickly interactive, intuitive interface that will
perform well even on older computers.
Right now, VolcanoWorld is only available over the Internet, but later, much standard material will be provided on CDs and we
will use the Internet for automated downloading of information to
users' computers.
Our project is a prototype for the future
distribution of a wide variety of remote sensing data to
non-technical users when the Earth Observing System data stream is established.
Our diverse and highly qualified
team includes volcanologists, a grade
school teacher, a curriculum development specialist,
computer scientists, an artist, and staff from major volcanic parks.
To VolcanoWorld