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VolcanoWorld Searcher

Would you like to go directly to a location about a particular volcano or subject? This is the place to do it. Just type the name of the thing you want to find into the box below and press RETURN. For example, if you want to know about the temperature of lavas, type the word temperature in the box below and press RETURN. This will cause a new screen to pop up with a list of all questions and answers that contain the word temperature. Just click on one of the lines of the list (don't worry if all of the slashes and words don't make sense!) and you will go to information that may help you - you might even find the answer to the question you were going to ask!

It is also possible to narrow the scope of your search by using compound searches. For example, if you wanted to know about the temperature of lavas you could type temperature and lava in the box below to see a list of all questions that contain both words in the same text. It is also possible to use multiple ands. For example, if you typed temperature and lava and hawaii all questions that have all three words: temperature, lava and Hawaii in their text will be displayed in the list.

If you want to find all of the questions that contain either the word temperature or the word lava (or both words), just type the words with a space between them. For example, typing ash lava will display a list of all questions that have either the word ash or the word lava (or both words) in their text.

For more detailed instructions please look at our searching hints section.

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