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David Maddison's Home Page

David Maddison's Home Page

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My research focuses on the evolution of beetles, and developing methods of phylogenetic analysis. I have concentrated on the evolution of adult and larval structure, and chromosomes, of ground beetles (Carabidae). I am now looking at the phylogeny of the major lineages of beetles, using DNA sequence data as well as morphological characters. My work in phylogenetic theory centers on developing phylogenetic methods by which we can learn about character evolution. One expression of this work is the computer program MacClade. My newest large project is the Tree of Life, a collection of World Wide Web pages that seeks to comprise an illustrated, annotated phylogeny of all living things.

Here are some things David does (or used to do):
The Tree of Life Project
Beetle Evolution Projects
Phylogenetic Theory Projects
Computer Programs
Illustrations of Insects
Nanaimo Bars!
Here is some more information:
List of Publications
How to contact David
Lab Home Page

The Tree of Life Project

David Maddison and Wayne Maddison

Check out the Tree of Life.


Wayne Maddison and David Maddison

MacClade is a program for analyzing phylogenies and character evolution.

Check out MacClade's WWW site.

Beetle Evolution Projects

Previous projects include: Current projects include:

Phylogenetic Theory Projects

Previous projects:

Computer Programs

[MacClade, Genetics stack, PopDyn, Island Biogeography...]

Illustrations of Insects

Between 1976 and 1984, I spent some of my time doing habitus illustrations of insects. Some of the illustrations, and a list of all of them, are shown here.


During grad school, I had a number of displacement activities. A popular one was designing T-shirts. Some of my T-shirts are shown here.


Yet another grad-student, displayment-activity project was B.U.N.K., a publication about "Beetles and their universe". John Acorn (currently of "Acorn the Nature Nut" and "Twits and Pishers" fame) and Bob Anderson (who now studies weevils in Ottawa) and I put together two issues.

How to contact David

Electronic mail: FAX: (520) 621-1150
Phone: (520) 621-9781

Institutional address:
David Maddison
Department of Entomology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721

Copyright © 1995 David R. Maddison

This is the 262nd access of this page since 20 December 1995.