(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Theories and Metaphors of Cyberspace- Abstracts
Paulo Camargo Silva
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Am Weichselgarten 9
D-91058 Erlangen
In the last years we have seen a rapid growth of research with reference to
networked or distributed virtual reality (DVR). Projects such as: Networked
Virtual Art Museum; Virtual Design and Teleconferencing Station; Loral; The
Synthetic Battllebrids, etc, are distributed virtual reality applications,
(Loeffer [1994], {\O}derg{\aa}rd [1994], Stytz [1994]). The DVR presupposes
distributed virtual worlds (DVW). Some research have displayed the necessity
to develop a non-crisp logic to solve problems in contradiction of virtual
worlds (Bricken [1990]). Additionally, there are efforts of research in sense
to structure virtual worlds (VW) through fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) (Kosko and
Dickerson [1994], Dickerson and Kosko [1994]). On the other hand distributed
systems can be modelled through multi-agent modal logic of knowledge and belief
(Halpern and Moses [1992], Halpern [1986], Halpern and Moses [1985], and Neiger
and Tuttle [1993].
DVWs structured throught FCMs can be modelled by multi-agent modal logic of
knowledge and belief, since a DVW is a distributed system. In this article we
present a multi-agent modal logic for knowledge and belief in which possible
worlds are FCMs. This logic is able to structure distributed virtual worlds.
- Stytz, M.R. [1994] - Virtual Reality - Research and development projects from
the U.S. Government. Technical report of computer graphics lab air force
institute of tecnology wright-patterson AFB, OH 45433.
- Bricken, W. [1990] - Coordination of multiple participants in virtual space:
preliminary notes. Technical report Human Interface Technology Laboratory,
University of Washington.
- Loffer, C.E. [1994] - Distributed Virtual Reality: applications for education,
entertainment and industry. Report of STUDIO for creative inquiry Carnegie
Mellon Universirty.
- Kosko, B. and Dickerson, J.[1994] - Fuzzy Virtual Worlds, AI Expert, July.
- Dickerson, J. and Kosko, B. [1994] - Virtual Worlds as Fuzzy Cognitive Maps,
Presence, volume 3, number 2.
- Halpern, J.Y. and Moses, Y.[1992] - A Guide to Completeness and
Complexity for Modal Logics of Knowledge and Belief, Artificial
Intelligence, 34, 319-379.
- Halpern, J.Y.[1986] - Reasoning about Knowledge: An overview, in
J.Y. Halpern, ed., Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge:
Proceedings of the 1986 Conference (Morgan Kaufmann,
Los Altos, CA).
- Halpern, J.Y. and Moses, Y.O.[1985] - A Guide to the Modal Logic of Knowledge
and Belief: preliminary report, Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 480-490.
- {\O}derg{\aa}rd, Ola [1994] - Telecommunications and social interaction -
Social constructions in virtual space,\\/Oedegaard\_O.html
- Neiger, G. and Tuttle, M. [1993] - Common Knowledge and Consistent Simultaneous
Coordination, Distrib. Comput. 6, 181-192.