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The Envelope Please
presented by Virtualize and the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

5 Days til Oscar 1995 Nominees
On February 13th the following categories were announced by Arthur Hiller and Quincy Jones from the Academy's Stage
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Direction
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Original Screenplay
Best Foreign Language Film
Best Picture
See entire list...

Events and Interviews

Features and Fashions
Oscar Updates

Quincy and David Want To Know . . .

68th Academy Awards producers Quincy Jones
and David Salzman have a few questions for you.

Quincy and David

And The Oscar® Goes To...
Enter our game to see if you can guess who the Academy will honor with Oscars this year.
Win Fabulous Prizes Oscar Game

Cinemania Connection Cinemania Biography indicates a link to a Cinemania nominee biography.
. .Cinemania Synopsis . indicates a link to a Cinemania movie synopsis.
For your convenience we have provided links to Cinemania and other sites where appropriate.
The field in the lower left area of your browser will indicate when you are contacting another site.

Stay tuned for updates every day. . .
and remember to watch the Academy Awards telecast
on the ABC Television Network, beginning at 6 p.m. (PST), March 25, 1996.

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The "Oscar®" statuette is a copyrighted property and registered trademark and service mark
of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
"Academy Award(s)®" and "Oscar(s)®" are also registered trademarks and service marks of A.M.P.A.S.
"Oscar Nighttm" is a trademark of A.M.P.A.S.
The 68th Annual Academy Awards Nominations List ©1996 A.M.P.A.S.

The Envelope Please web site ©1996 Virtualize
Please send your comments to oscar@guide.com