(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Susan Naylor. Curriculum vitae.
NAME: Susan Lynn Naylor
Department of Cellular & Structural Biology
The University of Texas Health Science Center
7703 Floyd Curl Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78284-7762
TELEPHONE: (210) 567-3842
FAX: (210) 567-6781
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: July 6, 1949; Erie, PA
- B.S. Biology , 1971. Magna cum laude, Villa Maria College, Erie, PA
- M.A. Biology , 1976. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Ph.D. Human Genetics , 1977. The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
- 1970 NSF summer program at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY
- 1971 Student teaching at Academy High School, Erie, PA
- 1971 - 1975 NIH predoctoral fellow, Dept. of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- 1975 - 1977 Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Human Biological Chemistry & Genetics, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
- 1978 - 1981 Research Affiliate, Biochemical Genetics Section, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, NY
- 1979 - 1981 USPHS Postdoctoral Fellow
- 1981 - 1982 Cancer Research Scientist II, Dept. of Human Genetics, RPMI, Buffalo, NY
- 1982 - 1984 Cancer Research Scientist III, Dept. of Human Genetics, RPMI, Buffalo, NY
- 1983 - 1984 Assistant Research Professor, Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Biology, SUNY at Buffalo, Roswell Park Division (Joint Appointment)
- 1984 - 1989 Associate Professor, Dept. of Cellular & Structural Biology, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX
- 1989 - Professor, Department of Cellular & Structural Biology, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX
- Villa Maria College Scholarship, 1967
- B.S. Magna cum laude; Dean's list 7 of 8 semesters at Villa Maria College, 1967-1971
- Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, 1970
- Erie Business and Professional Women Scholarship, 1970-1971
- Kappa Gamma Pi Honorary Society, 1971
- USPHS Predoctoral Traineeship 1971-1975
- USPHS Postdoctoral Individual NSRA fellowship 1979-1981
- Outstanding Young Women in America, 1984
- Recognition for research accomplishments by the National Huntington's Disease Association, 1984.
- Elected to the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), 1989
- Research funds from Roswell Park Memorial Institute Biomedical Research Support Grant - 1978, 1981, 1982.
- National Research Service Award - AM 06168 - Postdoctoral Fellowship, l979-1981.
- March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, MOD 1-692, "Somatic Cell Genetic Analysis of Amino Acid Metabolism and the Aminoacidopathies", 1979-1983.
- Institutional Core Grant Developmental Funds, "Chromosomal Organization of Polypeptide and Glycoprotein Hormone Genes in Normal Tumor Tissue", 1982.
- American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant "Molecular Genetic Analysis of Small Lung Cancer", 1983-l984.
- Institutional Biomedical Research Support Grant, "Construction of a Human Somatic Cell Hybrid Gene Mapping Panel", l984.
- Council for Tobacco Research - CTR 1620 "Molecular and Genetic Analysis of Small Cell Lung Cancer", 1984-1992.
- March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, MOD1-927 "Molecular Genetics of Human Metabolic Disease", 1984-1986.
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Mather Foundation Z004 - "DNA Markers for Cystic Fibrosis", 1986-1988.
- Institutional Research Grant - "Chromosome 3 Aberrations in Renal Cancer and Mesothelioma", 1986-1987.
- National Cancer Institute - CA44764 "Chromosome 3 Aberrations in Cancer", Principal Investigator, 1987-1992.
- National Institute on Aging Program Project Subgrant, "Molecular Genetic Mechanisms of Aging", Core A, Director, 1987-1989
- American Cancer Society - declined - "Chromosome 3 Aberrations in Cancer."
- Meadows Foundation, co-investigator, "A Center for Human Cancer Genetics", A.Y. Sakaguchi, Principal Investigator, 1988-1990.
- Mather Charitable Foundation, "Chromosomal Deletion and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Small Cell Lung Cancer", Principal Investigator, 1989-1991.
- National Center for Human Genome Research, HG00315, "A Physical Map of Chromosome 3", GM42353-01, Principal Investigator, 1989-1992.
- National Institutes of Health, Center for Genome Research, "Symposia on Human Genome Project: ASHG", Principal Investigator, 1989.
- RGK Foundation, "International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3", Principal Investigator, 1990
- National Institutes of Health, Center for Human Genome Research, "International Workshop of Human Chromosome 3", Principal Investigator, 1990
- National Center for Human Genome Research, "Consortium to Construct Chromosome 3 Framework Map" HG00490, Principal Investigator, 1991-1994
- National Center for Human Genome Research, "International Workshop for Human Chromosome 2", HG00692, 1991
- National Center for Human Genome Research, "International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3, HG00705, 1992
- Department of Energy, DE-FG03-93ER61525, "International Workshop on Human Chromosome 2", 1992
- Department of Energy, DE-FG03-93ER61618/AO, "International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3",1992
- National Cancer Institute, San Antonio Cancer Institute, Cancer Center Grant, Program Director , 1992 -present
- Mather Charitable Foundation, "A Common Tumor Suppressor Gene on Chromosome 3p", 1993
- National Institutes of Health, "Fourth International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3" 1993
- National Center for Human Genome Research, "Saturation Mapping of Human Chromosome 3", HG00470, Program Project Director, 1992-1997
- Associate chairman for "Committee on Chromosomes 18-22" at 7th Human Gene Mapping Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, August 21-26, 1983.
- Chairman of "The Committee on the Genetic Constitution of Chromosomes 17, 18, & 19 at the VIIIth Gene Mapping Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, August 4-10, 1985.
- Chairman of the Committee on Chromosome 3 at the 10th Human Gene Mapping Workshop, New Haven, CT, June, 1989 and HGM9.5, August, 1988.
- Curator of Chromosome 3 for the Human Clone Repository, American Type Culture Collection.
- Obtained support from NIH for a Symposium on the Human Genome Project, American Society of Human Genetics, 40th Annual Meeting, November, 1989.
- Hosted the 1st International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3 in San Antonio, TX, February 16-17, 1990.
- Chairman of the Committee on Chromosome 3 at the 11th Human Gene Mapping Workshop, London, United Kingdom, August, 1991 and HGM10.5, Oxford, United Kingdom, September, 1990.
- Committee Member, 2nd International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3, Denver, CO, April 4-7, 1991
- Co-organizer of the First International Workshop on Human Chromosome 2, October, 1991, Washington, D.C.
- Coordinator for U.S. Travel, 3rd International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3", Tokyo, Japan, March 8-9, 1992
- Co-organizer of the Second International Workshop on Human Chromosome 2, San Francisco, CA, November 6-8, 1992
- Coordinator for U.S. Travel, 4th International Workshop on Human Chromosome 3, Groningen, The Netherlands, May, 1993
- Senior Editor of Chromosome 3, Human Genome Database, 1991-present.
- Coordinator for U.S. Travel, Third International Workshop on Human Chromosome 2, Arhaus, Denmark, June, 1994
- Member of Special Study Section Meeting of Genetics Study Section of the National Institutes of Health, November, 1983
- Member of Special Study Section for the National Institutes of Health, July 19-20, 1984 (RFA on Dioxanes).
- Member of Special Study Section for the National Institutes of Health, March 29-30, 1985 (SBIR Grant Applications).
- Member of Special Study Section for the National Institutes of Health, July 20-22, 1985 (RFP on inhibitors in hemophilia).
- Reviewer for the Medical Research Council of British Columbia, 1986.
- Member of Special Study Section for the National Institutes of Health, June 16-18, 1986 (SBIR Grant Applications).
- Member of site visit team for National Institute of Aging at the Johns Hopkins University, March, 1987.
- Reviewer for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 1987.
- Reviewer for National Institutes of Health, Research Conference Grant, 1988.
- Member of site visit team for National Institute of Aging at McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, February, 1988.
- Member of the Biomedical Sciences Study Section (Subcommittee 7) (1988-1992).
- Member, External Research Review Committee, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX, 1989-1990.
- Member of Special Study Section for the National Institutes of Health, July 6 & 7, 1989 (SBIR Grant Applications)
- Chairman of the Special Study Section for Experimental Immunology, December, 1989.
- Reviewer for the Canadian Medical Research Council, 1989-present.
- Advisor to NIH on the establishment of a National Genome Database, December, 1990.
- Member of site visit team for National Center for Human Genome Research at the Johns Hopkins University, May, 1991.
- Chair of DRG Study Section to evaluate NCHGR postdoctoral fellowships, March, 1992 and July, 1992.
- Member of site visit team for National Center for Human Genome Research at the Johns Hopkins University, February, 1992.
- Member of administrative site visit team for the National Center for Human Genome Research at Washington University Genome Center, June, 1992.
- Participant in ATCC Planning Meeting, NIH, Bethesda, MD, October, 19, 1992
- Participant in GESTEC Center Director's Meeting, NIH, December 14, 1992
- Member, Biomedical Sciences Study Section, 1988-1992
- Chair, Special Study Section on Genome Fellowships, April 8, 1993
- Member, National Institutes of Health Human Genome Study Section, 1993-1997
- Telephone Review National Cancer Institute, May, 1993
- Veteran Administration Grant Review, September, 1993
Reviewer, International Science Foundation, 1993-1994
- Editorial Board, Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, l986-l992.
- Associate Editor, Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 1989-present.
- Reviewer for Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics; Cytogenetics Cell Genetics; Human Genetics; American Journal of Human Genetics; Science; Proceedings of National Academy of Science; Genomics; Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics; Cancer Research; Molecular Carcinogenesis; Neuron; Biochemical Genetics; Journal of Heredity; Molecular Endocrinology; Chromosomes; Genes and Cancer; Genetic Analysis Techniques and Applications; New England Journal of Medicine; Human Molecular Genetics; PCR Applications and Techniques.
- Editorial Board, Chromosomes, Genes and Cancer, 1990-present.
- Editorial Board, Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics, 1990-present.
- Editorial Board, Gene Analysis, Techniques and Applications, 1990-present.
- Senior Editor of Chromosome 3, Human Genome Database, 1991-present
- Member, American Society of Human Genetics, 1978-present
- Member, American Society for Cell Biology, 1978-1984
- Chair, Platform Session, American Society of Human Genetics, 1986
- Member, Program Committee, American Society of Human Genetics, 1987-1991
- Executive Board, Texas Genetics Society, 1988-1991
- Chair, Program Committee, American Society of Human Genetics, 1989-1990
- Member, American Association for Cancer Research, 1988-present
- Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Genome Project, American Society of Human Genetics, 1989-present
- Member, Human Genome Organization (HUGO), 1989-present
- Board of Directors, American Society of Human Genetics, 1991-1994.
- Member, Public Policy Committee, American Society of Human Genetics, 1991-1993.
- Member, HUGO Travel Award Committee, 1993-present
- Chair, Subcommittee on Research, Strategic Planning Committee, American Society of Human Genetics, 1993-present.
- Member, Admissions Committee for Graduate Program, 1983-1984, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, RPMI.
- Member of the Graduate Dean Search Committee, 1986-1987.
- Member of the Institutional Research Grants Committee, 1986-1990.
- Member of the Committee on the University Presence in Science Park, 1987, Chair of Proposal Subcommittee.
- Member of the Committee on Committees 1987-1988.
- Chairman, Committee on Committees, 1988
- Member of Department of Cellular and Structural Biology Sub-COGS (Committee on Graduate Studies), 1988-1990
- Member of the Search Committee for the Director of the University of Texas Institute of Biotechnology, 1988
- Chairman of Department of Cellular and Structural Biology Committee on Graduate Stipends, 1987
- Member of Department of Cellular and Structural Biology Committee on Academic Services for Self Review, 1989
- Chair of Committee on University of Texas' Role in the Human Genome Project, 1989
- Director of the UT System Genome Project, 1989-present
- Member of the Institutional Faculty Tenure and Promotions Committee, 1989-1992.
Member of the Committee for 20th Anniversary of the Graduate School, UTHSCSA, 1991
- Director of Molecular Genetics Program for the San Antonio Cancer Institute, 1991-present
- Member, Medical School Committee on Committees, 1992-1993
- Member, Search Committee for Chair of Medicine, 1992-1993
- Member, Strategic Planning Committee for Graduate School, 1992-1993
- Outside Member, Tenure & Promotion Committee, Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, 1993
- Seminar at University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 9, 1979.
- Seminar at Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, MO, September 4, 1979.
- Seminar at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, April 2, 1980.
- Invited to conduct workshop on bioautography at the 4th International Congress on Isozymes, Austin, TX, June 14-19, 1982 - "Visualization of Isozymes by Bioautography."
- Course participant in Carolina Workshop on DNA Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Chapel Hill, NC, August 2-6, 1982.
- Invited seminar speaker, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, April 7, l983.
- Speaker at American Type Culture Collection symposium, "The Biology and Characterization of Cultured Vertebrate Cell Lines," Bethesda, MD, October 25, 1983.
- Invited Speaker, Texas Genetics Society Meeting, Houston, TX, March 20-22, l986.
- Speaker, ICN-UCLA workshop at the "Tumor Promoters, Growth Factors and Oncogenes" meeting, Steamboat Springs, CO, April 6-13, 1986.
- Invited Speaker, M.D. Anderson Tumor Institute, Houston, TX, July 10, 1986.
- Invited Speaker, Texas Tissue Culture Association, Houston, TX, March, 1987.
- Invited Speaker, The Neuroscience Institute, Austin, TX, May 15, 1987.
- Invited Speaker, International Conference on Hormones, Growth Factors and Oncogenes in Pulmonary Carcinoma, Hanover, NH, August, 1987.
- Invited Speaker, 40th Annual M.D. Anderson Synposium, Houston, TX, November, 1987.
- Invited Speaker, The 49th Annual Oregon State University Biology Colloquium on Tumor Suppressor Genes, Corvallis, OR, May, 1988.
- Invited Speaker, National Cancer Institute, Carcinogenesis Laboratories, June, 1988.
Invited Speaker, Division of Reseach Grants Study Section Seminar Series, July 27, 1988.
- Postdoctoral Fellow chosen for Plenary Session, American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, October, 1988.
- Invited Speaker, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Biology Division, March 6, 1989.
- Invited Speaker, Texas Genetics Society, "Human Genome Project: Application to Texas Research", March, 1990.
- Invited Speaker, Cold Spring Harbor Banbury Conference, "Women and Cancer", April, 1990.
Invited Speaker, Tissue Culture Assoc. Annual Meeting, "The Human Genome Project", 1990.
- Invited Speaker, University of Cincinnati, July, 1990
- Invited Speaker, Texas Carcinogenesis VIII Meeting, "Tumor Suppressor Genes", University of Texas System Cancer Center, Smithville, TX, October, 1990.
- Invited Speaker, "Genetic Instability" Keystone Symposium, Tammaron, CO, February, 1991.
- Invited Speaker, U.S.-Japan Conference on Renal Cell Carcinoma, Honolulu, HI, February, 1991.
- Invited Speaker, Texas Genetics Society, Dallas, TX, March 14-16, 1991.
- Visiting Lecturer, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, October 23-24, 1991.
- Invited Speaker, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Symposium, Seattle, WA, November 7-10, 1991.
- Participant, Meeting of Framework Mapping Group, Washington, D.C., October 5-6, 1991 and Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1992.
- Participant, NIH Director's Chairperson's Meeting, Bethesda, MD, January 17, 1992 and La Jolla, CA, May 15-17, 1992.
- Participant, Mexico/San Antonio Health Sciences, American Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico, June 4-5, 1992.
- Invited Speaker, Roswell Park Cancer Center, Molecular Genetics Seminar, Buffalo, NY, July 20, 1992.
- Participant, Chromosome Coordinating Meeting, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, November 15-16, 1992.
- Laboratory tour, Young Astronauts of San Antonio Academy, December 14, 1992.
- Invited Speaker and Panelist, Texas State Agency Council for the Governor's Commission for Women, February 25, 1993.
- Invited Lecturer, Trinity University, April 16, 1993.
- Invited Speaker, San Antonio Cancer Meeting, July 23, 1993.
- Invited Speaker, American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, Louisiana, October, 1993.
- Chromosome Coordinating Meeting (CCM93), Tsukuba, Japan, November, 1993 (Chromosome 3 senior editor).
- Invited Participant, 4th Breast Cancer "Think Tank", Cozumel, Mexico, January 23-29, 1994.
- Seminar, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, February 3, 1994.
- Inivted Speaker at Keystone Symposia, Taos, NM, February, 1994.
- Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of German Human Genetics Society, Dusseldorf, Germany, March 26, 1994.
- Seminar, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, March 28, 1994.
- Seminar, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, April 6, 1994.
- Invited Speaker, Women's Issues in Science, American Society for Experimental Biology American Association of Pathologists, (FASEB), Anaheim, CA, April 25, 1994.
- Presentation at the Chromosome 3 Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, May, 1994.
- Presentation at the Cold Spring Harbor Genome Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, May, 1994.
- Introduction to Research. Lecturer.
Lectures on the research ongoing in my laboratory.
- CSBL, Medical Genetics . Co-Organizer.
Course on medical genetics currently being given to fourth year medical students. Format is a short didactic course on genetic principals, followed by a laboratory exercise with specific genetic disorders, The student must make the diagnosis, assess the mode of inheritance, analyze the laboratory data, and advise a doctor on the probability that specific family members will be affected.
- Molecular Medicine, Molecular Medicine Core Course, April 13, 1994. Lecturer.
Lectured on the molecular biology of lung cancer.
- Trinity University, Undergraduate Genetics. Lecturer.
Annual lecture on human molecular genetics and lab practicum.
- Student Dissertation Committees
C & S Biology Biochemistry Microbiology
Sean Todd Brad Rikke Dave Martin
Teresa Johnson-Pais Donna Louie
Kim Howes Carol Casavant
Randall Lanier
Janet Guthmiller
Rachel Grimes
- University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Elizabeth Schubert
- University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Klaas Kok
- Current Graduate Students
Rachel Grimes
- Current Postdoctoral Fellows :
Helene Carlson
Maria Daly, Ph.D.
Charles Hensel, Ph.D.
RuiHua Xiang, M.D.
Klaas Kok, Ph.D.
- Current Technical Help
Dawn Garcia
Xin He
Karen Kerbacher
Shanna Moore
Mauro Mohrer
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