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O'Connell's CV

Peter O'Connell, Ph.D.

(mailto: oconnell@uthscsa.edu)

Associate Professor


Postdoctoral Training

Research and Professional Experience:

Professional Activities:

Selected Publications:
The research in my laboratory is directed towards the identification of genes that cause human diseases. We also carry out genetic and physical mapping of human genes as part of the Human Genome Project, an international effort to comprehensively map all the human genes. We study families segregating Mendelian disorders in order to identify the locations of disease-causing genes. Once a map position is known, genes expressed within the target regions can be isolated and characterized. At present, we are studying families with inherited predispositions to neurological disorders, breast cancer, and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, or type 2 diabetes).

The technology used in these gene mapping studies also permits analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens from human neoplasia. My laboratory is studying de novo genetic changes present in these neoplasia in order to help identify genetic loci important in the genesis of human cancers. Our present focus is identification of these genetic alterations in breast, prostate, and gastric cancers. These studies will improve classification and diagnosis of these disorders, and aid in the isolation of genes involved in tumor progression.

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