(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Links to other Genome Centers
- NIH GenoBase Server. GenBank Search, etc.
- The National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI Web Server (GenBank)
- GDB - The Genome Data Base. An International collaboration hosted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Cooperative Human Linkage Center - CHLC
- The National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR) in Santa Fe
- ELSI Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Biotechnology. NCGR, Santa Fe.
We have made available two resources in particular that focus on human genetic and Human Genome Project issues. One is an encompassing bibliography of ELSI related references to provide starting points for further reading. The other is a series of "Scopes Notes" that provide full text overviews of ELSI topics. We plan on maintaining these pages with current and readable information on aspects of genetic research.
- Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine , Emory University ( Mitochodrial Chromosome )
- The Eugene McDermott Center for Human Growth and Development at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. GESTEC Chromosome 11 Data
- Yale/Albert Einstein - Chromosome 12 Database, etc.
- Human Genome Center for Chromosome 22 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
- Computational Biology and Informatics Laboratory. University of Pennsylvania.
- MIT Center for Genome Research Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- TIGR - The Institute for Genomic Research
- Stanford Human Genome Center
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Biosciences LANL - Center for Human Genome Studies (Chromosome 16)
- Chromosome X GESTEC at the Center for Genetics in Medicine, Dept. of Genetics, Washington University in St.Louis
- Genome Info at Depatment of Pathology, University of Washington.
- University of Michigan Human Genome Center
- LBL Human Genome Center at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Human Genome Center LLNL (Chromosome 19 Mapping)
- Human Chromosome 10 Mapping Project at the GTC - Genome Therapeutics Corporation
- The Human Genome Project on
Chromosome 13 at the Columbia University
- Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Center (Chromosome 8)
- Thomas Marr's Genome Topographer Project at Cold Spring Harbor
- W.M. Keck Center for Genome Informatics
- John Hopkins University Bio-Informatics
- Eccles Institute of Human Genetics (Utah)
- Agricultural Genome Information Server AGIS - Databases for Human Chromosome X and Chromosome 21
- Chromosome 9 Home Page and Chromosome Y Fingerprint Data. Galton Laboratory, The Dept. of Genetics & Biometry, University College London, UK (very slow)
- EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Main Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany
- Human Genome Research Center Genethon, Paris, France
- GenomeNet , Japan
- DNA Data Bank of Japan. National Institute of Genetics, Mishima
- The Jackson Laboratory - Mouse Genome Project. Bar Harbor, Maine.
- Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome
- Yeast Genome Information Center, Stanford University (Gopher)
- Human Genome News Calendar
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