(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
CSAC Ethnographics Gallery
Anthropology Exhibits on the WWW
- Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit. The Institute of Egyptian Art &
Archaeology, U. Memphis Tennessee (USA)
- Incorporating digitised images and descriptions from their artifact collection.
- Mambila transcript. David Zeitlyn
- Incorporating digitised sound recordings, a version
of the
transcript (pp 213-215) in
Zeitlyn, David 1993. Reconstructing
kinship or the pragmatics of kin talk. Man 28(2), 199-224.
- Meek on the Mambila. David Zeitlyn
- A digital version of Chapter IX of C.K. Meek's 1931 Tribal Studies in
Northern Nigeria. Volume 1, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner
Co. Ltd., with field
annotations made in 1953 by Farnham Rehfisch.
- Interactive Multimedia and anthropology - a sceptical view.
Marcus Banks
- Text of talk given at the conference
Interactive Multimedia and Anthropology at the University of Western
England, 1 and 2 June 1994.
- Archaeological Survey in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
Henry T. Wright and Sharon Herbert
- Report of the University of Michigan/University of Asiut Project to
the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. December 1993
- The Newstead Research Project. Rick Jones (Project Director)
- The Newstead Research Project is an archaeological field
project investigating the Roman fort of Trimontium near Newstead and
Iron Age settlement sites in the surrounding
Borders region of southern Scotland.
- Report on the site of Leptiminus and fieldwork from 1990-1993.
John H. Humphrey, Nejib Ben Lazreg, Sebastian Heath, David L. Stone
- Long-term archaelogical field project on the site of Leptiminus,
on the east coast of Tunisia, south of Sousse (ancient
Hadrumentum) and twelve kilometers south of Monastir. (includes images)
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari. Francesco Ruggiero (Curator)
- Exhibits of the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari. Currently in
Italian only. An English version is under construction. (includes images)
- Scrolls From the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern
Jeff Barry (WWW curator)
- Based on the Library of Congress, Washington, DC exhibit of the Dead Sea
Scrolls. (Includes images and resource material for teachers)
- Seven Scenes of Plenty Michael Mascha
- A digital re-edited WWW version of a Michael Mascha film on the Fiji
island Matuku Island. In
progress. Some background information and maps available.
- Ethnographic Photography Exhibits Nora O'Connell
- Various projects by Nora O'Connell, including a Malawi Tea plantation and
Indian rickshaws, and other subjects from Malawi and
India. In addition to some nice single images, there are some large files of
photographs organised as Quicktime movies.
- bui doi - life like dust Nick Rothenberg and Ahrin Mishan
- Exhibit relating to a film exploring the life of a Vietnamese
refugee and gang member. The film is based on field research begun
during their graduate students at the Center for Visual Anthropology,
University of Southern California. The exhibit includes audio, image
and video, and a study guide for the film.
- Angels in Los Angeles Hans Glaser
- The author describes as "... analog multi exposures..... a log ....sketches ... exchange of light
and darkness ... Los Angeles." A collection of photographs relating images of
Los Angeles.
- The Cynic's Guide to Spirutal Awakening Philip Miller
- A collection of essays, comments and stories. There is also a poem read by
Miller at
- One Circle Home exhibit
- The One Circle Home exhibit is a permanent display at the
Connecticut State Museum of Natural History. This exhibit provides
several displays regarding prehistoric Native American lifeways in
southern New England. The exhibit is centered around a reconstructed
wigwam and includes information regarding tools, food, games, and
- Vatican Exhibit - Rome Reborn
- An exhibit on the rebuild of Rome in the Renaissance. Paraphrasing the
exhibits introduction:
Rome was not always the grand city it is today or was in classical
times. By the fourteenth century, the great ancient city had dwindled
to a miserable village. In the Renaissance the popes returned, and
drew on the riches of Renaissance art and architecture to adorn the
urban fabric, which they saw as a tangible proof of the power and glory
of the church. And they attracted pilgrims from all of Christian
Europe, whose alms and living expenses made the city rich once more.
- A Roman Palace in ex-Yugoslavia Michael Greenhalgh
- "A unique structure from the Later Roman Empire. The city of
Spalato, which means "little palace", was founded by the emperor
Diocletian; he made it his own dwelling-place, and built within it a
court and a palace, most part of which has been destroyed. But a few
things remain to this day, e.g. the episcopal residence of the city and
the church of St Domnus, in which St Domnus himself lies, and which was
the resting-place of the same emperor Diocletian."
- 1492 Exhibit Library of Congress (USA)
- "The exhibition examines the first sustained contacts between
American people and European explorers, conquerors and settlers from
1492 to 1600. During this period, in the wake of Columbus's voyages,
Africans also arrived in the hemisphere, usually as slaves. All of
these encounters, some brutal and traumatic, others more gradual,
irreversibly changed the way in which peoples in the Americas led their