hide random home http://lanic.utexas.edu/info/agora/ (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Agora: WWW E-Mail Interface

NOTE This document is intended to be retrieved through mail, and may look funny with a normal WWW browser. To get it through mail, just send a mail to agora@lanic.utexas.edu with the body

Welcome to the World-Wide Web!

To retrieve a document, you just have to specify its "address", called a "Uniform Resource Locator" (URL). For example, the URL of this document is http://lanic.utexas.edu/info/agora/help.html. This means that to get it, you just have to send a mail to agora@lanic.utexas.edu, with whatever subject you like, the body of the mail being:

SEND http://lanic.utexas.edu/info/agora/help.html

If you are interested in Latin American studies and curious about World-Wide Web services, you may take a look at the following documents:

UT Latin American Network Information Center
The World-Wide Web Initiative
World-Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions
In WWW services, most documents are hypertext. In such a case you will notice numbers in square brackets such as [12] next to some special words. This means you may access a new document, hopefully related to the word(s) preceding the [12]. If you are interested to see this new document, you will find at the bottom of the document containing the [12] a list of URLs, next to numbers. Then, just copy the URL next to [12], and paste it to the body of a mail you send to agora@lanic.utexas.edu . If you are lazy, there is another way to retrieve WWW documents through email: just reply to agora@lanic.utexas.edu , and specify in the body the number(s) you are interested in. This program will figure out which document you are interested in by looking at the subject header that you then have to preserve.

Example 1

You'd like to know more about UT-LANIC (University of Texas -- Latin American Network Information Center)? All right, the number between brackets is 1. Let's look at the bottom of this page. 1 corresponds to http://lanic.utexas.edu/ So you have to send a mail to agora@lanic.utexas.edu with the body:
SEND http://lanic.utexas.edu/

Example 2

You are still curious about World-Wide Web? All right, the appropriate documents are "World-Wide Web Initiative" and "Frequently Asked Questions". They have the numbers 2 and 3 in brackets next to them. So you reply to the mail from agora@lanic.utexas.edu that you are currently reading, and write in the body:
2 3

Note: If your mail tool truncates subject lines, it may be useful for you to know that this robot needs only the part (URL: ...) to determine what the numbers refer to.

Commands related to the retrieval of WWW documents

Everything appearing in <> is mandatory; all arguments are case insensitive. Only the first 10 lines of requests will be processed.
send <URL>
www <URL>
This will send you back the document you requested, with all its hrefs, so that you may ask further requests. (if the document is too large, you will get only its first 5,000 lines). The url sent may contain the following characters:

       SEND http://lanic.utexas.edu/
       WWW http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html
rsend <return-path> <URL>
Same as "send", but you can specify a different return-path
       rsend zorro@horsemen.holywood.com http://lanic.utexas.edu/
deep <URL>
Same as "send", but it will also send you the documents refered to in the URL you mentioned. (If the documents are too large, you will get only the first 5,000 lines of what "deep" should provide)
       deep http://lanic.utexas.edu/
source <URL>
Same as "send", but allows you to see the source of the document, so that you may use a nicer HTML browser to read it
       source http://lanic.utexas.edu/
rsource <return-path> <URL>
Same as "source", but you can specify a different return-path
       rsource  zorro@horsemen.holywood.com http://lanic.utexas.edu/
Send you this document.

This document was originally provided by Arthur Secret at CERN, and modified by UT-LANIC for its users. If you experience difficulties, in using agora, please contact UT-LANIC staff by sending e-mail to agora-admin@lanic.utexas.edu.