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North Carolina Counties Available in Digital Form

ITRE's GIS program offers county street files containing current street name and address ranges for counties in North Carolina where this data is available. These files are maintained by local transportation professionals in the individual counties for the purpose of routing school buses for student pickups.

ITRE guarantees the spatial accuracy of the data at the census bureau block-group level. This data is ideally suited for address matching and routing applications.

Here is a listing of the available counties as of October 24, 1995. The date in parentheses indicates when the conversion was performed; see below for information on updates:

Alamance (1/94) 
Anson (9/93)
Beaufort (11/94)
Bertie (7/95)
Bladen (2/94)
Brunswick (5/95)     
Buncombe (8/94)
Burke (3/94)            
Cabarrus (9/93)
Caldwell (8/94)
Camden (5/95)             
Carteret (11/94)            
Caswell (11/93)    
Catawba (9/93)
Chatham (3/95)   
Chowan (11/94)
Cleveland (9/93)
Columbus (4/95)
Craven (12/94)
Cumberland (11/93)
Currituck (5/95)
Dare (10/95)
Davidson (11/93)
Davie (6/95)
Duplin (10/95)    
Durham (3/95)     
Edgecombe (8/94)            
Forsyth (6/94)             
Franklin (2/95)            
Gaston (9/93)
Granville (4/95)
Greene (7/95) 
Guilford (6/94)              
Halifax (11/94)      
Harnett (11/93)
Haywood (7/95)    
Henderson (4/95)       
Hoke (5/94)           
Iredell (11/93)          
Johnston (3/95)
Jones (7/95)
Lee (5/95)
Lenoir (9/93)
Lincoln (9/93)
Martin (7/95)
McDowell (4/95)           
Mecklenberg (5/95)
Montgomery (5/94)
Moore (1/94)
Nash (8/94)
New Hanover (7/94)
Northampton (5/95)
Onslow (7/94)
Orange (3/95)
Pamlico (7/95)
Pender (10/95)
Perquimans (11/94)
Person (11/93)
Pitt (7/94)
Randolph (3/94)
Richmond (6/94)
Robeson (5/94)
Rockingham (11/93)
Rowan (9/93)
Sampson (11/93)
Scotland (11/94)
Stanly (6/95)
Stokes (3/95)
Surry (6/95)
Swain (12/94)
Transylvania (7/95)
Union (3/94)
Vance (11/94)
Wake (get a sample in .e00 format)
Warren (7/95)  
Washington (11/94)
Watauga (6/94)
Wayne (11/94)
Wilson (9/94)
The costs associated with obtaining this data are as follows:
Any one county listed above 
delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format

Update of any county listed above
delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format
$400.00 (Wake, Mecklenburg, Durham, Guilford, Forsyth, Buncombe,
         Cumberland, Cabarrus, Alamance, Gaston counties)
$300.00 (any other county)

Any one county not listed above 
delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format

Add $50.00 additional for MapInfo coversion
Add $25.00 additional for DAT or 1/4" tape format
Please order by Purchase Order to:
Gege Coleman
Campus Box 8601
Raleigh, NC  27695-8601
Questions regarding this data may be addressed to gege@itre.ncsu.edu, or by telephone at (919) 878-8080.

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