ITRE guarantees the spatial accuracy of the data at the census bureau block-group level. This data is ideally suited for address matching and routing applications.
Here is a listing of the available counties as of October 24, 1995. The date in parentheses indicates when the conversion was performed; see below for information on updates:
Alamance (1/94) Anson (9/93) Beaufort (11/94) Bertie (7/95) Bladen (2/94) Brunswick (5/95) Buncombe (8/94) Burke (3/94) Cabarrus (9/93) Caldwell (8/94) Camden (5/95) Carteret (11/94) Caswell (11/93) Catawba (9/93) Chatham (3/95) Chowan (11/94) Cleveland (9/93) Columbus (4/95) Craven (12/94) Cumberland (11/93) Currituck (5/95) Dare (10/95) Davidson (11/93) Davie (6/95) Duplin (10/95) Durham (3/95) Edgecombe (8/94) Forsyth (6/94) Franklin (2/95) Gaston (9/93) Granville (4/95) Greene (7/95) Guilford (6/94) Halifax (11/94) Harnett (11/93) Haywood (7/95) Henderson (4/95) Hoke (5/94) Iredell (11/93) Johnston (3/95) Jones (7/95) Lee (5/95) Lenoir (9/93) Lincoln (9/93) Martin (7/95) McDowell (4/95) Mecklenberg (5/95) Montgomery (5/94) Moore (1/94) Nash (8/94) New Hanover (7/94) Northampton (5/95) Onslow (7/94) Orange (3/95) Pamlico (7/95) Pender (10/95) Perquimans (11/94) Person (11/93) Pitt (7/94) Randolph (3/94) Richmond (6/94) Robeson (5/94) Rockingham (11/93) Rowan (9/93) Sampson (11/93) Scotland (11/94) Stanly (6/95) Stokes (3/95) Surry (6/95) Swain (12/94) Transylvania (7/95) Union (3/94) Vance (11/94) Wake (get a sample in .e00 format) Warren (7/95) Washington (11/94) Watauga (6/94) Wayne (11/94) Wilson (9/94)The costs associated with obtaining this data are as follows:
Any one county listed above delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format $150.00 Update of any county listed above delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format $400.00 (Wake, Mecklenburg, Durham, Guilford, Forsyth, Buncombe, Cumberland, Cabarrus, Alamance, Gaston counties) $300.00 (any other county) Any one county not listed above delivered via ftp or on 3.5" floppy disks in ARC/INFO export format $400.00 Add $50.00 additional for MapInfo coversion Add $25.00 additional for DAT or 1/4" tape formatPlease order by Purchase Order to:
Gege Coleman NCSU - ITRE Campus Box 8601 Raleigh, NC 27695-8601Questions regarding this data may be addressed to, or by telephone at (919) 878-8080.