(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Reading news at DESY
There are a number of news readers available for the IBM, VAX, and Unices.
In addition, it is also possible to read news through WWW and its respective
clients. Some newsgroups have been selected (out of thousands) that may
be of interest here at DESY. The desy news hierarchy is currently
limited in distribution. Please contact
if you
are interested in receiving the desy news groups.
- desy.*
- The general DESY newsgroups hierarchy.
- desy.zeus
- The ZEUS news hierarchy.
- desy.h1
- The H1 news hierarchy.
- desy.hera-b
- The HERA-B news hierarchy.
- Selected groups
- Selection of groups interesting for DESY people.
- Other
- Many more news groups.