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About the Journey North

This chapter is highly experimental, and was mostly designed to explore educational uses of the World Wide Web. If you find yourself interested in finding out more about ICS or the World School, contact ics@um.cc.umich.edu or worldsch@indiana.edu for more information.

This experiment is indebted to the World School for Adventure Learning at Indiana University, ICS at the University of Michigan, and Brandon Plewe of the University at Buffalo (for pointing me on this map adventure!)

Moving on...

The Journey North is made up of different themes: the environment, wildlife migration, different cultures -- and more. While students share observations on wildlife migration with each other, they also receive reports from the explorers on their training trip.

In the Journey North, you can explore any of the following topics:

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Last modified 25 September 1994 by Roger Espinosa, roger.espinosa@umich.edu