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If you love words, you'll love

Verbatim:  The Language Quarterly

For more than two decades, VERBATIM has kept its tens of thousands of readers (in more than 65 countries) informed, entertained, and amused by its readable, perceptive articles, trenchant book reviews, incisive correspondence, and funny squibs dealing with all aspects of language - especially English.

$16.50 per year
Order No. OL 1

What CHOICE, a monthly American Library Association publication has to say about VERBATIM

VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly provides a stimulating forum for contemplating and discussing the non-technical side of linguistics. Its short articles, book reviews, squibs, and correspondence section constitute a provocative blend of information and entertainment ... vastly appealing publication ... In any issue may be found ruminations on the derivation or evolution of word sounds or definitions, as well as comparisons and listings of related words and phrases. Many of these, especially the listings that almost beg for additions, spark responses that appear in later issues. Such correspondence makes it very clear that there are more than a few readers who care intensely about "Irish bulls" and the origin of "shitepoke." The several articles per issue usually focus on a fairly narrow topic and seldom run more than two or three pages. They are usually intelligent pieces combining extensive research and insight with considerable wit. A half-dozen or so book reviews appear in most issues. They are knowledgeable, thorough, and concise, and even the older ones are still fun to read. Any book that deals with words or language is fair game. Pun-filled crossword puzzles and humorous fillers based on typographical or syntactical errors round out this delightful publication.

Among books available from VERBATIM

A Grammar of the English Language

George O. Curme

Volume I: Parts of Speech, xxii + 370pp.
Volume II: Syntax, xv + 616pp.

A comprehensive work on the English language, this 2-volume set discusses all the finer points of grammar with thousands of illustrative quotations from Beowulf, Shakespeare, and Milton through Dickens, Shaw, and Hemingway. Each volume has both a Subject Index and a Word Index.

Price: $25.00 per volume, ppd.

Volume I Order No. OL 2
Volume II Order No. OL 3

Both volumes: $50.00, ppd.

For e-mail ordering: tofg@usa.pipeline.com

Visa / Mastercard accepted.

North and South America
If ordering by mail:
P.O. Box 78008-BL
Indianapolis, IN 46278-0008

Tel: 1-800-999-2266 Op. 10

If ordering by mail:
Post Office Box 199-BL
Aylesbury, Bucks. HP20 2HY
United Kingdom

Tel: 44 1296 395880 Op. 10

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