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216 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
(313) 913-4300 FAX: (313) 913-4306
E-Mail: info@pnc-wbi.com

Welcome to Personalized Nursing Corporation and The Well-Being Institute's Home Page!

Personalized Nursing Corporation and the Well-Being Institute constitute two Nursing companies of a three company Nursing Care Delivery System. The third company is the Personalized Nursing LIGHT House which is a Substance Abuse Intensive Out-Patient Program with a domicile. All three Nursing programs use a model of The Art of Nursing based on Martha Rogers' Nursing Science called The Personalized Nursing LIGHT Model.


Personalized Nursing Corporation, P.C.(PNC) was incorporated in 1983 by Marcia Andersen, PhD, RN, FAAN, CS. She founded the company in order to test, implement, and evaluate the Personalized Nursing LIGHT Model. Profit and non-profit activities are undertaken to develop and disseminate the Personalized Nursing LIGHT Model.

The Well-Being Institute (WBI) is the non-profit affiliate of PNC. Non-profit activities are undertaken by this division to provide nursing services, advocacy, education, and health care barrier reduction for HIV infected women using the LIGHT Model.

The LIGHT Model is a Model of The Art of Nursing based on Martha Rogers' Nursing Science. The LIGHT Model has been used successfully in numerous health care programs designed to target hard-to-reach populations consisting of urban intravenous drug abusers who are not in treatment, AIDS clients, high-acuity psychiatric patients, and the urban poor. Numerous articles have been published in nursing and substance abuse research journals which describe PNC's successful results in serving these hard-to-reach populations (see selected publication list below).


CLICK for information on our Videotape package that demonstrates how the LIGHT Model works during actual counseling sessions with addicted clients.

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