hide random home http://grn.com/bis.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Branch Internet Services Inc.

Quality, Experience and Proven Performance

Dear Customer,

Branch is an established market leader for the following Internet solutions:

Branch has been developing Internet applications since 1984. The Branch Mall was the Internet's first WWW Mall. Our success has been featured in the New York Times (front page, Sunday business section), Wall Street Journal (several times), Detroit Free Press, Crain's Small Business, Ann Arbor Regional Business to Business, The Forrester Report, Inc Magazine, PBS Television, Byte Magazine and so many others that we have lost count.

Branch has been recently rated one of the top 100 web sites (one of the top 5 for malls) by PC Magazine and is an Internet World (May '95) listed "Net Ad Agency". Branch sponsored the 1995 Internet Easter egg hunt. Branch provides web services to over 130 companies ranging from Ameritech, the Ann Arbor Area Chamber of Commerce to Chrysler and Zimcom. Many companies now claim to do what we do, however, none have the experience, exposure, or proven results. A quotation from Marilyn Bucher of PRODIGY Services Company:

"PRODIGY recently launched its World Wide Web browser. During development of this product, we found your site http://branch.com/ to have considerable appeal. Early reaction from our members seems to indicate they like it as well."

Please call or e-mail us for pricing or for more information on how we can use the Internet to increase your sales.

Jon Zeeff
NIC Handle - JZ

Our office building, the previous home of ANS, Merit and CIC Net. Some work we did, some quotes and comments, and the Branch Mall. Branch is proud to be a member of the Michigan Center for High Technology (MCHT) and a member of and the Internet service provider for the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce. If you have suggestions on how to make our pages better, please send us e-mail.

If you have a site on the Web, you can take advantage of our link payment program where we pay you for links to Branch sites.

Branch Internet Services Inc.
2901 Hubbard Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2647
Phone: (800) 349-1747, FAX: (313) 995-1931, e-mail: hosting@branch.com