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Debates [Under 

Please mail infidel@freethought.tamu.edu if you know of online information not in these lists.

Age of the Universe / Bible / Christianity / Creationism and Evolution / Existence of God / Genesis Flood / Resurrection / World Views

Age of the Universe: Is the universe not billions, but only thousands of years old?

The Gish-Ross Debate [45,679 bytes]

A transcript of a radio talk show hosted by Dr. James Dobson featuring Hugh Ross, an old-earth creationist and founder of Reasons to Believe, and Duane Gish, a young-earth creationist and the Vice President of the Institute for Creation Research. The exchange is enlightening and covers such topics as the age of the universe and the flood.

Bible: Is the Bible the Word of God?

The Roberts-Bradlaugh Debate (1876)

A transcript of the debate held in Leicester, England between Robert Roberts and Charles Bradlaugh on the divinity of the Bible. If I believed in reincarnation, I'd swear that Farrell Till was Bradlaugh in a past life.

Christianity: Is Christianity true?

The Ingersoll-Black Debate (1881)

Creationism and Evolution: Is "scientific creationism" a plausible, scientific explanation for the origin of life?

The Gish-Saladin Debate (1984)

This is a transcript of the debate that took place at Auburn University on evolution and creationism, between Kenneth Saladin and Duane Gish. The transcript is annotated by Saladin. This lively debate focused on transitional forms, the philosophy of science, the second law of thermodynamics, and Duane Gish.

The Gish-Saladin Debate II (1988)

Gish and Saladin met at Auburn University again for a rematch. The topic was, "Resolved: the theory of evolution is superior to the theory of special creation as an explanation for the scientific evidence related to origins."

The Gish-Zindler Debate (1990)

This is an annotated transcript of Frank Zindler's radio appearance with Duane Gish, debating the question, "Is creationism science?"

The Existence of God: Does God Exist?

The Horner-Triplett Debate (1993) (Coming soon!!)

A transcript of the debate on the existence of God between Mr. Michael Horner and Timm Triplett.

The Craig-Washington Debate (1995) [Under Construction]

A transcript of the debate on the existence of God held at the University of Washington between Christian apologist Dr. William Lane Craig and atheist/agnostic philosopher Dr. Corey Washington. This debate deals with such arguments as abstract objects, the cosmological argument, the anthropic principle, objective moral values, the resurrection, religious experiences, and the problem of evil.

The Jenkins-Haldeman-Julius Debate (1930)

This is the record of the debate between Rev. Burris Jenkins and Mr. E. Haldeman-Julius. The topic of the debate was, "Resolved: That Theism Is a Logical Philosophy."

The Koster-Zindler Debate (1990)

The Wilson-Till Debate (1995)

This written debate on the existence of God is very different from other debates on the same subject, in that presuppositional apologist Douglas Wilson, editor of Credenda/Agenda, attempts to use Farrell Till's presuppositions to prove God's existence.

The Genesis Flood: Was there a worldwide flood as described in the Bible?

The Morris-Zindler Debate

Religiously-Motivated Debates: Do they serve a useful purpose?

Debating Creationists: Some Pointers

The Resurrection: Did Jesus of Nazareth bodily rise from the dead?

The Geisler-Till Debate (1994)

A transcript of a debate between Christian apologist Dr. Norman Geisler and Skeptical Review editor Farrell Till. This debate focused on the historical reliability of the New Testament, the inconsistencies of the NT resurrection accounts, and the influence of Pagan religions on early Christianity.

The Horner-Till Debate (1995)

A transcript of the debate between Michael Horner and Farrell Till at Seattle Pacific University on May 30, 1995.

Atheism vs. Christianity: Which is the more rational world view?

The Horner-Morgentaler Debate (1990)

A transcript of a debate between Michael Horner and Dr. Henry Morgentaler that took place at Carleton University in January 1990. The exact topic for this debate was, "Secular humanism vs. Christian humanism: which is the superior world view?" This debate focused a lot on the politics of religion and the argument from objective moral values.

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