(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
To ECSDG HomePage
Information about WWW
The World Wide Web (a.k.a. WWW, a.k.a. W3) is a
virtual network of thousands of information providers throughout the
enormous Internet. The project started at CERN in Switzerland
and it has received tremendous popularity amongst librarians, scientists,
professors, students and many more.
The really strong features of WWW is the ability to provide all kinds
of data (text, hypertext, datafiles, image, video and sound) and the
ability to execute a remote program in order to retreive a "snapshot"
of a databank, search through efficient database management systems
and God knows what.
Below follows some links to a few important and interesting points
in the Web.
About WWW
About the World Wide Web global information sharing project.
The Virtual Library at CERN
A classification by information by subject. Includes links to other known
virtual libraries.
HTTP servers
All registered WWW native "http" servers, by location.
Servers by type
if you know what sort of server you are looking for.
NCSA is (among other things) home of the Mosaic WWW-client.
About NCSA httpd
Information about NCSA's httpd (information provider) server.
Test Your WWW-browser
Here are some links to test your WWW-helpers.
Swedish Mosaic
There is now Swedish versions of NCSA Mosaic for X-Windows
and MS Windows!
Johan Svensson