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About the CfD

The Key Centre for Design at RMIT

The Centre for Design at RMIT was designated a National Key Centre for Teaching and Research in May 1989. The establishment of a Key Centre in Design was a recognition by the Commonwealth government of the critical strategic role that design would play in Australia's economic, cultural and environmental development.

The Centre for Design's goals are:

  1. to focus the work of Australian designers, researchers, industry and government on the changing relationship between design, production and consumption;

  2. to develop community and industry awareness and understanding of the role of design in achieving national economic, environmental and cultural goals;

  3. to construct an expanding program of applied and speculative research projects in environmental design related to new or emerging technological, cultural, environmental or economic conditions;

  4. to engage with industry, the professions and the community in the design of new systems for sustainable development;

  5. to establish the Centre as a national laboratory for the development of tools and concepts and as a critical node in a network of knowledge and information, related to the above.

In achieving these goals we aim:

  1. to span a range of design domains, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary projects;

  2. to develop appropriate public education and training programs that broaden the impact of research activities;

  3. to carry out research that is problem setting as well as problem solving;

  4. to bring a national and global perspective to all our work by establishing links with a range of national and international institutions and individuals, and

  5. to integrate and interrelate post-graduate teaching and research activities.

Education and Training Programs

Research Projects



For more information please contact:

Professor Chris Ryan - Director
The Centre for Design at RMIT
RMIT University
P.O. Box 2476V
Victoria 3001

Ph: +61 3 660 2362
Fax: +61 3 639 3412
E-mail: cryan@rmit.edu.au

Copyright © 1994, 1995 National Key Centre for Design at RMIT
PO Box 2476V, Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia
Vox: +61 3 9660 2362 Fax: +61 3 9639 3412
URL: http://www.cfd.rmit.edu.au/CfD.html
Email: cfd@rmit.edu.au

HTML by Michael Abdilla - webmaster@cfd.rmit.edu.au
Last updated 3 October, 1995