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Best Bets in Humanities & Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences are not well represented on the Net. There are a few resources out there, and they will be growing as the Net grows. The best resources are listservs, or discussion groups, about your particular field. These usually cover numerous issues; job postings show up occasionally like unexpected gems.

We also recommend browsing some of the resources in other sections of this guide (Education and Academe, Business) with your specialty as a focus within them. With that in mind, here are a few specific humanities/social sciences resources that you might find helpful.

Job Openings for Economists (JOE)

JOE has a large collection of job postings for economists; most listings are faculty positions in academe, and therefore require a doctoral degree. However, there are a number of listings from business and non-profit organizations; some have less stringent requirements. The listings are both browsable and searchable.

JOE is published by the American Economic Association, whose members are obligated to post job openings in the publication. The Society publishes a print edition, and cooperates with Vanderbilt University to produce this electronic version.

Library and Information Science Placement Service

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides an excellent source of online employment listings for both recent library studies graduates and seasoned professionals. The special strengths of the Illinois system are the flexible nature of its search options and the comprehensive nature of the postings included (even relevant work outside traditional library settings is included). Job seekers have the option of searching on one or a variety of criteria including geographic location desired; nature of position sought; level of prior experience required; and, even salary range. Frequent users will find that they also have the ability to view only the most recent additions to the Illinois list.

The Illinois list is compiled from information supplied directly to the institution. Updates to the list are made frequently, with the time and date of last update clearly indicated on the first screen of the service. Compilers estimate that approximately 180 new positions are listed monthly. While a number of online services exist to supply employment information to members of the library community, serious job seekers would do well to visit the Illinois site first

Scholarly Societies Project

The University of Waterloo's Scholarly Societies Project provides a wealth of well selected options for arts and humanities majors. With direct links to over 500 different scholarly societies worldwide, Waterloo's gateway is truly a "best bet" for arts and humanities majors.

While not an employment service per se, job seekers will find much of interest as many of the societies provide employment listings as well as information on both regional and national conferences. Searching is available through extended alphabetical listings or by subject. While the Waterloo service provides generous offerings for scientists, social scientists, and business majors as well, arts and humanities majors should find this site of special interest.

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