The living will envy the dead

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In the message of Fatima we read:
"The living will envy the dead for that which their eyes will be obliged to see and their ears to hear".
Look, listen! Listen, look! Evil triumphs and the perdition of everything is clear and evident to all! There are only a few who have given the just and holy value to the message which proposes, once again, the invitation to repent, before it is to late. There are only a few who are disposed to be redeemed and save the most precious gift given to man of this planet: the "Ego­Sum". There will be many, very many, who lose it if they don't wake up before the second death gets them.
The harvest has already started and not every seed will become wisdom, conscience and solar race.
It is a sin to hide the truth. To hide the impelling petitions of the divine creative love means to be against He whom you call "God", but whom in reality you don't know or love even through He gives without asking in return. But it's true that the days are becoming illuminated by His justice!

Eugenio Siragusa
May 30, 1993

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