The Earth groans with pain

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«The Earth groans with pain. The anomalies that torment your planet become more and more critical. Nuclear energy is the main cause of the growing evils that undermine the existence of the Earth and all that it nourishes. There are secondary causes in relation to the first, but no less harmful to its cosmogonic equilibrium. You are destroying the home which you have been given requests for a serious repentance have not been taken into consideration, making the negative values prevail over the positive ones, bad over good, death over life. Our recent manifestations, would like to show that the power and glory of He who said "I won't leave you orphans, I will return among you", will soon manifest along with the presence of He who said also "I will come like a thief in the night", so that the Holy Justice of the Father triumphs. His instrument is ready, born and brought up, farther than the River Jordan and the sea, in the Galilee of the Gentiles.»

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