The Apocalypse is at your doors

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The Apocalypse is at the doors of this adulterous, wicked and bloody generation. You have chosen darkness over Light, hell over Paradise.
You have despised the offer of the greatest Love of all; now with tears and clenched teeth, you are forced to walk in the darkness of your days.
Justice must now come before love, this generation will suffer even worse misfortunes than Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon, the great and expected Truth will unfold shaking your very being. Many of those who have been signed to be called will fall prey of the evil one and their consternation shall be burning and scalding.
Behold, the time of the Father is here. His Divine Law will set things anew and His Paradise be established. Fare well.

Nicolosi, August 23, 1989 At 9:30 Hours

N. B. Except you practice discernment, you shall fall into temptation and prey of the evil one.

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