The nuclear experiments
have put in alarm
the inhabitants of other planets

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This the principal cause that has pushed them, like they of the rest have done in the remote time, to visit, with better distinctive activity of observation, the Earth. This time, for them, the mission is particularly serious but, not for this impossible from the being absolved in height.
You know the distinctive situation of our planet very well and know also that, during his youth, the illness periodic have been extremely violent and, thick times, until too alarming for the continuity of his existence and of the equilibrium of the complete solar system. The apocalyptic convulsions that in definite periods have been audited, have left imprinted in the face of the world lavishes pocks that, anchor today, they tell us the gravity of the convulsions you suffer from, and this until to few time does, if we don't measure the 12.000 departed years with the time of our life. Know the world in which one alive it is not easy thing for a generation, but for our Ave this assignment was not difficult, because lived and communicate to the posterity all their existence toubled among the tortuous limbs of an earth hour healthy broken hour, free hour from the waters hour submerged. The Atzechi, awake they of that that the fathers had lived, preferred build their houses in cop to tallest mountains (3.000­4.000 meters of height) for the fear of remain captive of a sea that had been able, more times, of getting up from the own bed and of advance with slow but inexorable footstep for all deluge. In those times by now as distant from our thoughts, they there were present the Sons of the space, maybe our brothers, sons of I color that they abdicated to remain in this world because less bold than they accepted the destiny of it and they remained to do cradle of life, of hope and of peace. Today they are again among us with more powerful means and scientifically evolved; animate from big love for us that be them similar, in one's death agony, in bloody struggles, barren of comprehension, avaricious of can and of conquest and, that it is bad, authors of an enormous force of which we don't know, in no way, serve us any for a pacific and comfortable progress.
They are here from us because knows better of us thing could happen from a moment to the other and, while they are ready to attend with all the halves to their disposition for prevent the irreparable, they chaperon the geoid and in special way the his magnetic axle that, with the nuclear experiments to chain effected in this foreshortening of time, they have shaken it and with such intensity to put in serious danger it already impermanent situation of brittleness.

Poll P.E.S. Solex
Catania, October 25, 1962

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