Conference programme (themes)

The conference programme has been divided into different themes. Questions about the topics should be directed to Prof. Roger Taesler, SMHI.
Please use the pre-registration form to let us know if you are interested in participating in the conference.

Overview papers
Overview papers on the state-of the-art in meteorology to include short, medium extended-range, seasonal forecasting, probabilistic forecasts and risk assessment, exploitation of data bases, economic value of weather forecasts and a summary presentation of the results of COST78.

Government Services

Rescue services and warnings

- severe weather
- forest fires
- flooding


Traffic and transportation

- air safety
- air economy
- air route planning road and railway management
- road and railway maintenance
- ship/weather routing
- port management

Environment, energy & construction


- resources and production
- sales and distribution
- end use

Air quality management

- monitoring
- planning and decision making
- legal and political aspects


- risk management
- verification of accidents
- forecasting

Building and construction


- production
- operation
- management and maintenance

Bridges, roads, towers and airports

- production
- management and maintenance

Media, Other business

Broadcast, media

- visualisation techniques
- broadcast services

Press services

- preprint and graphical techniques for weather graphics
- weather graphics: tool for information and/or competition

Internet services

- sales services
- interactive services

Agriculture and forestry

- monitoring
- operational planning including pesticide abatement and frost protection


- production, personnel and logistics planning
- marketing and sales planning

Leisure, sports and recreation

- travel
- biometeorology
- special interests

Service providers needs

- data and products
- electronic access points

Updated 1998-04-20

Further information

Contact: Roger Taesler
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Phone: 46-11-495 82 02

© SMHI, 1998