Star Wars

When the stormtroopers break into the control room, watch very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a door frame. [This was in the Special Edition in the cinemas, but is cut out of the Special Edition videos for some reason].

After Darth Vader kills Ben, there's a shot from the docking bay towards him. They forgot to colour in his lightsabre.

After Luke destroys the Death Star and is getting out of his fighter, Leia runs over and he shouts "Carrie!" instead of Leia.

When everyone is getting in fighters for the final battle, they all have white helmets with blue insignias. However, they aren't wearing them when they're flying.

When Obi-wan and Luke are watching the hologram of Princess Leia projected onto a small table, the objects on the table change position and number in each shot.

When Luke and his uncle buy C3-P0 and a white-and-red R5-D4 robot from the Jawas, the R5 unit blows up after travelling a few feet. There's a quick shot of R2-D2 back at the Jawa's transporter, and behind it you can see the same white-and-red R5-D4 unit being set up by the Jawas.

Just after the scene where R2-D2 is riding shotgun on Luke's X-Wing fighter and is hit by a shot from Darth Vader, there's a shot of C3-PO standing beside Leia in the rebel HQ, and the dent on C3-PO's head is on the right side (it's on the left side throughout the rest of the movie).

At the start, when the Princess' ship is attacked, C3PO says to the effect that "the princess won't escape this time." Later, when Luke cleans up R2D2 and accidentally plays the holographic from Leia, C3PO says he has no idea who it is. [An explanation - because C3PO is a protocol droid he is programmed not do divulge any confidential information - that is why he doesn't tell Luke who the Princess is].

When the rebels are heading to blow up the Death Star, pay attention to the code names - I think it's Gold 5. He asks everyone if they're ready, and one pilot replies "yes, Gold Leader", which is not his title.

After Red 6 is blown up, over the intercom someone asks "Red 6 - have you seen Red 5?"

If you watch in slow-mo right before Han Solo shoots the bounty hunter named Greedo, you can see that Greedo has been replaced with a faker looking goofy dummy just before he explodes.

The first time Chewie gets into the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon, he hits his head on a small set of dice. [Apparently these are the dice with which Han won the falcon off Lando - still worth looking out for].

[Special Edition] In the scene where Luke and Leia swings across the missing bridge, a number of the shots fired by Leia are "bangs" instead of the laser "zap" sound. The bang is probably from the prop gun used (it shot blanks) and was never dubbed over.

When Luke is eating with his uncle and aunt, the cup he's drinking from keeps switching hands. (Due to the negative being reversed in post production.)

When Luke and R2 are doing the trench run, a tie shots at Luke and blows the top of R2's head off. But in the next scene R2's top is on again.

If you watch Leia while they're in the garbage compactor, her belt, at various points, has fallen down around her thigh. It moves from her thigh to her waist (depending on the camera angle) during the whole scene.

You can see the arm of the crane used to lower the torture device through the door when it is going into Leia's room.

On the Jawa's transporter, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.

In the cantina, when Han Solo is talking to Luke and Obi-wan, he says he "made the 'Kessel' run in less than xxxx parsecs." He is referring to parsecs as a measurement of time. A parsec is a measure of distance, just like a light-year. (A parsec is approx. 2.6 light-years across).

An explanation of why that goof isn't a goof: Actually, he is referring to the distance... but not the way you thought. The idea is, the space around Kessel is made up of black holes or some such hazardous space-borne dangers. the safest thing is to go around, but Han is referring to his skill as a pilot, because he was able to go through the middle with as little distance out of the way as possible. it was in one of the books...

At the very end of the movie, when Han and Luke go to get their medals from the princess, there are rows of men on either side of them. If you look carefully, you can see that they are cardboard cutouts.

During the scene when Obi Wan is sneaking around the imperial ship, a group of stormtroopers march by in a close group. One of the troopers is losing his armour and is attempting to hold it on.

When the four heroes are in the garbage compactor and Luke gets sucked under by the water creature there is only a foot to
a foot and a half of water in there. Luke should have at least been able to stick his arm up for Han to grab. Even if he didn't Han should have been able to find Luke a lot quicker than he did.

When Luke and Han and Chewie and Ben and the droids are in the control room Luke says "but she's going to execute her," watch closely: his mouth doesn't move for half the sentence.

When Darth Vader and Ben are fighting, Darth's chestplate is on backwards.

Luke is on the Millenium Falcon practising with the floating orb. When he is done, he goes to shut off his light sabre and he moves to the right when it cuts out. [Yes, I know this is a stop film mistake, but what the hell].

When Vader and Tarkin learn that Leia has lied about the location of the Rebel base, we hear Darth say "I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion." There is a pause and Vader continues to move. An obvious dubbing error.

When the Millennium Falcon lands on the forest moon, and everyone is 'bussed' into the facility, Hans Solo gets out of the cart and his blaster and holster is on his left side.   He's right handed and everywhere else in the movie, its on his right side correctly.

Why do the Stormtroopers where so much cumbersome armor if a single shot can take them out?

In an age of such technological advancements, wouldn't the gunners have guessed that an escape pod without human lifeforms aboard would nevertheless be capable of carrying information dangerous to the Empire? After all, they weren't on a tight budget! I'm sure that Darth Vader wouldn't mind the risk of wasting a single laser bolt, especially when so much trouble might have been avoided.

Anyone who has ever tried to ride a bicycle (or even a motorcycle) in the sand knows that R2D2 wouldn't have made it 5 feet from the escape pod.

There is a robot in the Jawa cruiser (I believe it is the first one R2D2 notices when he regains "consciousness") from another movie a few years earlier than Star Wars. It is a large, box-shaped robot with accordion-like legs. [Can anyone enlighten me as to what film this robot featured in?]

The Empire Strikes Back

One of the Storm Troopers unties Solo before he is put into the carbonite, and watch his wardrobe - he has a disappearing / reappearing jacket on.

When the AT-ATs are attacking the Hoth base, they do a camera angle from inside Luke's cockpit. As his snowspeeder is passing through the legs of an AT-AT, part of the cockpit becomes translucent and you can slightly see the AT-AT through a metal bar.

Right after Luke and Darth fight for the first time, Darth gets kicked off of the Carbonite freezer. Then Luke jumps down to fight him again. After he jumps, you hear the sound of a trampoline. Then in the lower right screen you can see Mark Hamill's head jump back up.

When the Empire ship shoots asteroids in the asteroid field, the first one explodes before the laser even hits it.

When the Imperial walkers are confronting the rebel base (on the ice planet), one rebel pilot announces that their blasters will not critically damage the walkers, as we can see from their repeated firing. So they bring one down by wrapping a cable around its legs, and after it falls down, a rebel pilot flies by and blasts it once and it explodes.

When Han is frozen in Carbonite, he has a jacket on. In Return of the Jedi when he is thawed, he doesn't.

When the Admiral is killed by Darth Vader, because they lost track of the Millennium Falcon, if you watch in the background two guards come to take him away, you can clearly see the dead admiral get up almost by himself.

After Luke's hand gets cut off, as he's going down the tunnel you can see his hand.

When Luke is getting ready to leave Dagobah, he climbs a ladder to get into his X-wing. After he is in, the ladder is gone.

When the Stormtroopers are carrying Hans into a room, they drop him. As he falls, his hand hits one of the Stormtroopers' helmets and about knocks it off. If you look as they are walking out, it looks as though the Stormtrooper is looking down. However, you can still see the back of the guy's head.

Return of the Jedi

As they take Han away, watch Lando. Just before he tills his mask down so we can see who he is, he whacks his head on the doorway.

In the space battle, when Lando says "fighters coming in!" the millions of ties come in. Watch in slo mo - a tie can be seen going through the Millenium falcon.

The shots at the end of the movie with the emperor are obviously lit from the front. This exposed too much of the emperor's head inside the cowl so it was darkened to make him look more menacing. Look for the added shadow - it looks like someone took a black magic marker and coloured on the film. (This may be corrected on the re-release).

When Oola the dancing girl (with those two things growing out of the back of her head) is trying to get away from Jabba, she briefly falls out of the top of her costume. It isn't as visible in the letterbox version, but quite visible in the regular version.

Ever wonder why, even though Lando gets him frozen in carbonite, Han never gets mad at him at all?

In one of the scenes where Vader and the Emperor are trying to turn Luke, the Emperor is trying to get Luke to "strike him down" with his lightsabre. Luke finally gets annoyed enough to give it a try, but as he swings down to slice the Emperor in half, Vader suddenly whips out his sabre and blocks the blow; then the camera cuts to a nifty closeup of the crossed sabres and the Emperor laughing. However, according to that shot, the Emperor should be dead. Look carefully at the position of the sabres: Vader's (red) is on top of Luke's (green) - a position which should have driven Luke's sabre straight into the Emperor's body.

When Luke is prodded out to 'walk the plank', into the Saalac pit, he jumps off the board and springs himself back up. If you watch this in slow mo, you can clearly see that only one hand catches the board and that just by the fingertips.

When they are fighting on the little ships above the big pit, Luke beckons to Leia to get her to swing on that rope with him to safety. Watch closely...he says, "come on", but his mouth never moves.

When Lando is is hanging over the pit, he has gloves on, then he has no gloves, then they're back and so on.

In Star Wars and Empire Strikes back, every time the lightsabre is used, it acts like it can cut anything in half, including cutting body parts off. If that is true, why in Return of the Jedi when Luke is fighting people in the beginning on the desert with his lightsabre, does it go through them but they just fall down and don't get chopped up?

When Han is unfrozen and gets back up again his shirt is dirty, then it's clean, then it's dirty....

There is a shot of a hangar filled with TIE Fighters, and a brigade of stormstroopers. One of them has a smiley face on his white helmet.

The big procession of ships that accompany the Emperor's arrival at the Death Star, have a group of three, right near the bottom left hand corner of the screen, which vanish.

Updated 29/5/98 by JWES