Gross Food!

Why have a boring old dinner party when you can have a GROSS dinner party? Challenge your guests to bring the most disgusting looking (but edible) dish they possibly can. Give prizes for best presentation and best tasting. Here are some samples from dinner parties and Halloween parties I've been to over the years.

Click on a small photo to see a big one!

Punch of the Damned™
Dead Man Meatloaf Radish eyes, egg eyes, and Snowball eyes
See More's sugar cookies Pils-bury Dead Boys
Mr. Broccoli Potato Head Skull and pumpkin cheese spread
Milano graveyard Brains! More brains!
3-D Eyeball cakes Kitty kookies

Copyright © 1995-1997 Mad Martian™ All Rights Reserved.
If you wait, you will hear an excerpt from "Yech!" by Peter Alsop.