The Green Children
During the reign of King Stephen two children were found
in Suffolk at St. Mary's of the Wolf-pits, a boy and a girl. In appearance they were like
any other children, save that their skin was of a green tint, and their speech was unknown
to the local folk who found them. The children were taken to the home of a knight, Sir
Richard de Calne, but they would eat none of the food sat before them, though they wept
with hunger.
In time some freshly cut beans were brought to the children,
for beans are a faerie food. The children ate with great delight and would taste nothing
else, but the boy remained depressed and soon after he died. The girl thrived, however,
and in time became used to all manner of foods and lost the green tint of her skin.
The girl was often asked about where she had come from, and
she said that her country was called St. Martin's Land, and that all folk there were of
the same green color she had once shown. There was no sun there, only twilight. One day as
she and the boy had been following their flocks they entered a cavern, and heard the sound
of bells. For a long time they walked through the cavern following the sound, until they
came to it's mouth. Upon exiting the bright sunlight of this world struck them senseless
and they were terrified by the folk who found them, but they could not find the entrance
back into the cavern to escape.
The girl, it is said, continued to enjoy good health and
lived for many years in the service of the knight and his family. She later married, but
was said to retain some of her free spirited faerie nature.
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