The Faeries Dancing Place
When Lanty M'Clusky married he set about building a house
for his bride, and chose for it's site a beautiful green circle such as the faeries might
choose as a playground. Although he was warned against this he thought the place was much
too nice and he had no intention of building elsewhere no matter what the faeries thought
of it.
Once the building was done Lanty hosted a housewarming, and
invited his freinds and neighbors over for dancing and drinking, and all was going well
during the evening when a noise was heard at the top of the house. It sounded very much
like many little men doing their best to pull down the roof. Then a voice was heard above
that noise, advising the unseen workers that they must have Lanty's house down before
Lanty was not at all pleased to hear this and realized he
could not defend his home against the ones who wished it gone. He spoke instead, asking
the faeries pardon for building on a place that belonged to them, and asked if they would
let him alone for the night he would certainly pull down the house the next morning.
The faeries were greatly pleased to hear this and cheered
Lanty, then advised him where on his land he should build his new home. After this they
were heard no more.
As for Lanty, when he was digging the foundation for the new
house he found a store of gold, and became much richer for having come into contact with
the faeries and listening to their wishes than if he had never met them at all.
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