Lactic Acid Bacteria as Food Preservatives

Yali Friedman
November 25th, 1996


The single-most important development permitting the formation of civilization was the ability to produce and store large quantities of food. Hunter-gatherer societies lived from day to day either starving or gorging themselves based upon the amount of food they could find in a day. When it became possible for one person to produce more food than they needed, time from gathering food could be apportioned to culture and science. Following this trend, it became beneficial to be able to store as much food as possible in order to minimize the amount of time spent gathering that food. Food storage has always been at odds with food spoilage. Some of the earliest evidence of food preservation comes from the Post-Glacial era, from 15,000 to 10,000 BC. Improved weapons and strategies allowed the killing of large animals such as mammoths and reindeer. This improved efficiency allowed the collection of more meat than could be eaten in a day and this meat was either frozen in pits or stored in the colder parts of caves. The first use of biological methods was from 6000 to 1000BC when fermentation was used to produce beer, bread, wine, vinegar, yogurt, cheese and butter. Spices and herbs were also used. In 1864, Louis Pasteur proved that microorganisms in foods were the cause of food spoilage, that heat treatment of food killed these microbes and that sealed containers helped to preserve food by preventing recontamination from atmospheric air. A major development in the distribution and storage of foods came in 1940 with the availability of low-cost home refrigerators and freezers. This, combined with the development of affordable refrigeration and freezing facilities for processing, storage and transportation of foods allowed refrigerated and frozen foods to become very important commercial items. Other developments included the artificial drying of fruits, vegetables and liquids, vacuum packaging, ionizing radiation, and chemical preservatives. One significant development in biological controls was the discovery of nisin, a peptide metabolite of food-grade starter culture bacteria. Nisin was found to have antimicrobial properties against many spoilage and pathogenic bacteria[1].

General Sterilization Methods

With the variety of different techniques that can be used to sterilize food, it might seem that there is no need for new developments. Many consumers today are concerned about the synthetic "chemicals" used as preservatives in food, and there is a resulting trend towards less processed food.Alternatives include vacuum packing and refrigeration of foods. These untreated foods can harbour dangerous pathogens which can multiply under refrigeration and without oxygen (psychotrophs). Treatments like ionizing radiation can destroy pathogens non-chemically, but may affect taste and do not protect food against post-treatment contamination. A solution to this dilemma is the use of antimicrobial metabolites of fermentative microorganisms.

In the United States, antimicrobial food preservatives fall under four groups: Those that are not defined by law (natural organic acids and their salts, spices, oils, and wood smoke); Those that are Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS); Those that have been proven to be safe and approved by regulatory agencies, and; Those that are not currently in use and where proof of safety has yet to be established. The greatest amount of concern seems to be centred around newer chemicals, for which long-term affects are not determined. Many antimicrobial chemicals have been in use for a long time without any known adverse affects. These include natural components found in many plant foods (spices and citric acid) and in some animal foods (lysozyme), and the metabolites of food-grade microorganisms (metabolites of starter-culture bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria and some yeasts). Many of the organic compounds which have stirred interest are antimicrobial metabolites of bacteria used to produce, or associated with fermented foods.

Fermented Foods

In fermentation, the raw materials are converted by microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) to products that have acceptable qualities of food. In a natural fermentation, the conditions are set so that the desirable microorganisms grow preferentially and produce metabolic byproducts which give the unique characteristics of the product. When the yield is unstable and where the desired microorganism might not grow, or where pathogenic microorganisms might also grow, a controlled fermentation is used. In a controlled fermentation the fermentative microorganisms are isolated and characterized, then maintained for use (starter culture). Starter cultures are added to the raw materials in large numbers and incubated under optimal conditions. In common controlled-fermented products such as sauerkraut and yogurt, lactic acid is produced by the starter culture bacteria to prevent the growth of undesirable microorganisms in the non-sterile, raw materials, and helps to make the products shelf-stable [2].

The consumption of fermented foods has increased greatly since the 1970's. This includes common foods like yogurt, buttermilk and fermented sausages as well as ethnic foods such as kefir, kumiss and tofu. One of the reasons for the increase in the consumption of fermented foods is because consumers consider these foods to be healthy and natural. The consumption of live cells of desirable microorganisms in the billions and their metabolic products in fermented foods does not cause any panic or distress in the safety-concerned consumers. These foods have been around for thousands of years, and therefore have withstood the test of time[3]. A natural next step would be to incorporate the same antimicrobial compounds naturally found in fermented foods into other foods in lieu of "chemical" preservatives.

Lactic Acid Bacteria

In the last decade, there has been extensive research into the use of lactic acid bacteria to control pathogenic and perishing microorganisms in food. There are three main conditions for an optimal lactic acid fermentation: Addition of a sufficient amount of fermentable carbohydrates; Reduced pO2 during the fermentation process and storage of the fermented product, and; Rapid multiplication of the starter culture and sufficient production of lactic acid. In addition, different factors are known to influence the preservative action of lactic acid bacteria in meat products. The main factors for successful preservation of meat products are: A low pH (<4.5 to prevent growth of unwanted bacteria); A substantial amount of non-dissociated organic acid molecules; Buffering capacity of the substrate; Hydrogen peroxide; Competition with other bacteria for nutrients; Production of antibiotics and bacteriocins, and; Decreased redox potential[4]. A major concern for refrigerated foods is the possibility of temperature abuse during distribution, retailing, or by the consumer.

The simplest application of lactic acid bacteria involves adding lactate salts such as sodium lactate and potassium lactate to foods. These salts can inhibit the growth of psychotropic pathogens and have been shown to protect refrigerated poultry and seafood against Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogens, and Aeromonas hydrophila. The increased shelf life is further complemented by protecting against the adverse effects of temperature abuse[5].

The bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria have gained much attention as potentially useful food additives against food-borne pathogens. Class I bacteriocins (lantibiotics) undergo extensive post-translational modifications and contain very unusual amino acids. Nisin, for instance, is a 34-residue peptide that is very active against most Gram-positive bacteria. In contrast, class II nonlanthionine-containing bacteriocins such as the lactococcins, the pediocins, the lactacins and leucocin A, are 36-44 amino acid peptides that are minimally modified. Most class II bacteriocins are potent against Listeria monocytogens[6] .

Nisin was the first bacteriocin derived from fermentation of a lactic-acid bacterium and was approved by the FDA in April 1989 to prevent the growth of botulism spores in pasteurized process-cheese spreads. Nisin does not inhibit Gram-negative organisms, yeasts or fungi, but does inhibit most Gram-positive organisms including spore-formers such as Clostridia botulinum and heat-resistant spoilage organisms. Nisin is used by Alta in their all natural preservative line of foods. Nisin offers processors a "clean" label as well as extending refrigerated shelf life by 14 to 30days depending on the product[5]. While most bacteriocins are produced only during exponential growth, nisin is produced in large amounts after cells reach their stationary phase [7], making it appropriate for foods in which lactic acid bacteria are not expected to grow after processing.

Piscicolin 126 is a bacteriocin that has been proven to be stable at high temperatures at acidic pH values. While nisin has had mixed success with meat preservation, varying with meat product and target organism, piscicolin 126 has shown more promise. Inclusion of piscicolin 126 in a commercial ham paste inhibited the growth of Listeria monocytogens for up to 14 days of storage at the abuse temperature of 10ụC. While nisin failed the same test; ATLA 2341, a shelf life extender with antilisteral activity, exhibited less inhibitor action against Listeria monocytogensthan piscicolin 126[8].

In a recent paper, Coventry et al[9] were able to extract nisin, pediocin PO2,brevicin 286 and piscicolin 126 from fermentation media. While they only showed partial success, their procedure shows merit. The extraction of bacteriocins is important for the enhancement of preservation in non-fermented foods as well as foods in which inoculation with lactic acid bacteria is not appropriate.

Silage making is an important method of crop-preservation. Commonly ensiled crops include grasses, corn, and legumes such as alfalfa. Silage fermentation depends on lactic acid bacteria present on the crop, fermenting water-soluble carbohydrates to lactic and acetic acids. The resulting low pH and toxicity of undissociated acids restricts the growth of unwanted microbes and ensures good preservation. A common problem when ensiling alfalfa, however, is that water-soluble carbohydrate levels are insufficient to allow adequate lactic acid production. Alfalfa contains significant quantities of starch which could be used by an amylotic inoculant strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, a common silage bacteria. Fitzsimons et al[10] recently presented a paper describing a recombinant alpha-amylotic Lactobacillus plantarum strain which has considerable potential for silage of crops such as alfalfa in which starch is present with low levels of water-soluble carbohydrates.

Many applications of lactic acid bacteria for food preservation exist. Several of these are already in common use, and others are being researched and tested for efficacy and safety.


Whereas many antibiotics disable or kill pathogens over a series of days by inhibiting essential enzymes, most gene-encoded antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins) kill microorganisms rapidly by destroying or permeating the microbial membrane and impairing the ability to carry out anaerobic processes. These peptides are therefore unlikely to face the same antimicrobial resistance mechanisms that limit current antibiotic use[6].

As with any other biotechnological development, there is a concern over the safety of purposefully inoculating food with genetically modified bacteria. Klijn et al determined that based on the low survival in the environment and the regular gene transfer rates, consumption of lactococci that are genetically modified by deletion of genetic information or another self-cloning procedure in a fermented milk product does not influence the potential hazard to the consumer.

In contrast, Hertel et al recently reported the results of their trial of transformed Lactobacillus curvatusLTH1432. While no plasmid transfer could be induced even under optimal laboratory conditions, the conditions in the meat matrix permitted an efficient transfer. This result suggests that a case by case safety assessment is necessary to test the safety of food grade organisms.

Because lactic acid bacteria and their byproducts have been present in food since the early days of civilization, consumers readily accept them. Advanced molecular techniques which allow the development of new strains with new features bring with them issues of safety. Because of their mode of action, bacteriocins are poor candidates for resistance development. The stability of transformants, however, is not so certain, and more research is needed to prevent transfer of transformed genes.


Lactic acid bacteria and their byproducts are currently present in many of the foods we consume. For this reason, they are regarded as safe and natural by consumers. Metabolic byproducts of lactic acid bacteria have been shown to inhibit the growth of several important pathogens, and increase shelf life beyond current "chemical" preservatives.

Because lactic acid bacteria already preserve foods such as cheese and milk, it makes sense to try and inoculate them into other foods as well. For foods in which lactic acid bacteria inoculation is not suitable, protocols for efficient extraction of antimicrobial compounds are being investigated. Purification of the antimicrobial compounds provides a further protection against unwanted transfer of transformed genes to other strains of bacteria.

Simple modifications such as deletion of genetic information or self-cloning have shown to be safe in environmental tests, despite high rates of gene transfer among lactic acid bacteria. More complex techniques such as transformation with new genes requires case-by-case tests to determine the possibility of unwanted post-treatment gene transfer.

Lactic acid bacteria have been shown to be safe and effective. Research is ongoing to use new strains in new domains. Besides being less potentially toxic or carcinogenic than current antimicrobial agents, lactic acid bacteria and their byproducts have ben shown to be more effective and flexible in several applications.

  1. Ray, B., and M. Daeschel 1992. Food biopreservitives of microbial origin. pp. 3-11. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
  2. Ray, B., and M. Daeschel 1992. Food biopreservitives of microbial origin. pp. 15-16. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
  3. Ray, B., and M. Daeschel. 1992. Food biopreservitives of microbial origin. pp. 17-21. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
  4. Urlings, H.A.P., P.G.H. Bijker, and J.G. van Logtestjin 1993. Fermentation of raw poultry byproducts for animal nutrition. J. Anim. Sci. 71:2420-2426.
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  7. Casla, D., T. Requena, and R. Gomez. 1996. Antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from goat's milk and artisanal cheeses : characteristics of a bacteriosin produced by Lactobacillus curvatus IFPL 105. J. Appl. Bact. 81: 35-41.
  8. Jack, R.W., J. Wan, J. Gordon, K. Harmark, B.E. Davidson, A.J. Hillier, R.E. Wettenhall, M.W. Hickey, and M.J. Coventry. 1996. Characterization of the chemical and antimicrobial properties of piscicolin 126, a bacteriocin produced by Carnobacterium piscicola JG126. App. and Env. Microbiol. 62:2897-2903
  9. Coventry, M.J., J.B. Gordon, M. Alexander, M.W. Hickey, and J. Wan. 1996. A food-grade process for isolation and partial purification of bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria that uses diatomite calcium sulfate. App. and Env. Microbiol. 62:1764-1769.
  10. Fitzsimons, A., P. Hols, J. Jore, R.J. Leer, and M. O'Connell, and J. Delcour. 1994. Development of an amylotic Lactobacillus plantarum silage strain expressing the Lactobacillus amylovorus alpha-amylase gene. App. and Env. Microbiol. 60:3529-3535.
  11. Klijn, N., A.H. Weerkamp, and W.M. De Vos. 1995. Biosafety assessment of the application of genetically modified Lactococus lactis spp. in the production of fermented milk products. System. Appl. Microbiol. 18:486-492.
  12. Hertel, C., A.J. Probst, P. Cavadini, E. Meding, and W.P. Hammes. 1995. Safety assessment of genetically modified microorganisms applied in meat fermentations. System. Appl. Microbiol. 18:469-476.

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