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Space Shuttle Atlantis, mission "STS­37"
5 ­ 11 of April 1991

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[Photo 1]
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During the mission of the Space Shuttle Atlantis "STS­37", a metallic object arrives from the top and then swings in front of the video camera (it moves to the right and to the left, up and down). On the background we can see the earth.
[Photo 2]
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The UFO has a shape similar to a sphere, like the one seen on mission "STS­51a", of November 1984.
[Photo 3]
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Enlargement of the light metal coloured sphere taken from the video camera on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis "STS­37".
[Photo 4]
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3 photograms taken from the film of the Space Shuttle Atlantis "STS­37".
In evidence we can see the light metal coloured sphere which moves from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.

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