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The Message of Fatima intentionally hide
the Celestial Powers admonish

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To the heads of state of all the people of the planet Earth, to the halves of communication of all the states of the world:
Extremely useful and important, today more that never, give you acquaintance than it has been told to the goal of set this generation in watch before too much is delays.
The message of Fatima, still liable covert, it is in the point of come true with the consequences in it contained and here you allege.
Nobody will tell "I didn't know!"
A slim hope remains still for avoid the astringent judgment of that one that God calls.
Be attentive to reform and to put the things to the they correct place with the spirit of Justice that the Cosmic Geniuses have brought on the Earth.
You read, you brood, you deduce and definite according to the crowning Wish of the Cosmic Love.

From heaven to earth. Eugenio Siragusa
Nicolosi, September 27, 1991

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