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What is "mankind" to you?

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Tell us Earthpeople!
What is "mankind" to you?
Who do you think you are?
Do you know the real function you should carry out on this Macrocosmic Being you call Earth?
Can you conceive the fact that you are not the only intelligent Beings out of the 150 billion galaxies? Immorality, sodomy, the barbarian and bloody violence, the corruptibility of the material and spiritual values are responsible for the increased and unquenchable thirst to disharmonize, destroy the indispensable equilibriums of the natural values. Are the wars, the revolutions fought to gain power and tyranny the result of your "human culture"?
Are the religions, the rytes and all the activities to improve and make "man" aware Lucifer's doing to deceive man into making God in his own image and likeness?
How else would you define these values you have encouraged, dwellers of the Earth?
The Aliens, as you call us.

Eugenio Siragusa
Nicolosi, June 11, 1989 At 11:30 Hours

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