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The radiation!
The desease of the atomic energy

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The radiation! The desease of the atomic energy.
Patient and Christian resignation? Why?
Let's speak a few.
Why not there be "anybody" that addict to don't resign?
Why must not hope that this "anybody" do it attend for put the things to the them correct place?
This Lord exist or don't exist?
I know, certainly, that exists and that he is not as forbearing they like many believe.
He could lose, from a moment to the other, the patience as like him has forlorn in past (Sodoma, Gomorra, the destruction of the Atlantide, the Deluge, etc.).
I also know, with likewise certainty, that the planet Earth is nicely observed from "characters" carrying a science unimaginable from the human mind. They are many, present and invisible to the visual ability of the human being.
What's their program? It has been more told times, repeated and blazed in all the tongues. We have told buttocks that are the "Angels of yesterday, Extraterrestrials today".
A definition that embraces the ancient and modern history of events until to today not inclusive, like they would have understanding.
"They are not of this world". It has been spoken about Beings come from the stars always and they exist archeological finds that guarantee this incontestable reality! We cannot and must not ignore them.
Well, these men of the stars that have returned, with a mission well precise and aiming alter the attitudes ill­omened of this generation, attracted from the retrogressive and self­destructive spell.
Their interventions aiming to discourage this regressive process, it are in course, highlighted also one doesn't want to be understood. Resounding and inexplicable business happen, but not for this deprives of deep able emotionalism of induce to think, to brood and to deduce.
Certainly in a next, foreseeable future, other events of notable course will impose the man a serious seizure of conscience and of acquaintance.
Then, also if for many too much will be delays, for the rest will restart a new life, a new way of live it and of love it.
We have spoken a few of it.

A friend of the man
Eugenio Siragusa
Nicolosi, May 12, 1986

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