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Anomalous vortexes
of the terrestrial gravitation

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Hoara communicates:
In force to as there and having communicated about the unsteadiness of the planet on the impermanent brittleness of the ring, must itemize you as I approach: to part the abiding danger of the escape without return of the magnetic axis of the geoid, already to his time itemized, throngs of notables starts in the gravitational force of your planet exist. Such starts act on the equilibriums cohesion of the subject with consequences not inconsiderable, either on the structures you enslave to the gravitational constant, or also on the equilibrium psychic­physical of the live beings.
The subject in kind, gerrymandered or minus, invested from a flow more good or of small gravitational force, fatally it suffers of the modifications of stability also disintegrating. There we have told and we repeat you it still once: the experiments nuclear and as other ontemplates to upset the Law of the Onnicreante Force, they there will bring in a blind alley without any hope of exit. The next events will give you the exact measure of your irresponsibility and of your cynicism.

Hoara greets.
Nicolosi, August 6, 1985 At 9:35 Hours

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