The scientist extraterrestrial Hoara explains:
Such experiments are not less deleterious than those effected in the atmosphere. The waves of bump can seriously decompose the normal stasis of the cope magma on which rest the terrestrial crust. The consequences are been able to perceive easily.
You, earthlings, consider your planet like a ball from ping pong. You don't hold account of his nature at all and of the its demands cosmological. Your planet, like all the others broadcast in the cosmos, alive in operation of one specific equilibrium that you would should already know. Your habitat tied indisoluble to a his precise function that you don't can nor ignore if you don't want his essential equilibrium to come minus the, with unimaginable effects catastrophics.
You are really and obstinately against the life and against all that vitalizes it and renders it healthy and fecund. Peace on the Earth.
Through Eugenio Siragusa, Hoara greets
Nicolosi, October 25, 1984 At 15:00 Hours