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We confirm again!

[line of demarcation]

Woodok and the brothers from the Cristal­Bell

Our mission on your planet contemplates, chiefly, to chaperon the scientific nuclear regression always more blustery for the natural evolution of the geoid and, consequently, for the stability of the solar system to which the Earth belongs. We would have wanted help you also to resolve the old problems that touble the our impermanent existence, but we notice the cold and adverse indifference that there animates. We don't want, we cannot, impose you of collaborate, of accept the our legitimate counsels and our forecasts on the foreseeable future that you there waits if you will continue path on this madman, but we cannot, remain passive and inert in front of the yours increasing destructive able ambition of transform the your planet in a globe pestiferous, emanating deadly energy, disintegrating, in all the space of the solar system. You, earthlings, you are free of choose your destiny, but without endanger or arbitrary the destiny of the other beings that they want to exist and that you have realized as you have not wanted to realize: "the justice, the peace and the universal love". That you there won't ever be permission! There we confirm that, in case of nuclear collision, our intervention would be foreseeable and with means for you dicey. Our diligent ambassador has given some fairly clear sign in worth already. Here we imprecate that prevail the good sense fortified of prudence and of sage responsibility.

Woodok and the brothers from the Cristal­Bell greet
Nicolosi, October 15, 1984

[line of demarcation]

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