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Caffè Capoccetti - company profile
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     The Capoccetti company was founded in 1930 by Antero Capoccetti.
Thanks to his enterprising and unique personality, he dedicated the last part of his life to an important passion: coffee.
In turn, he bequeathed this passion to his sons Luigi and Virgilio who took over the firm's reins in 1935 and succeeded in keeping it vital throughout the tormented years of World War II. In 1955, the company passed into the hands of their respective sons, Alfredo and Francesco, who, dedicated their lives to the production of quality coffee. During the course of 34 years of doing business, they transformed Capoccetti into a top firm with a reputation for quality craftsmanship and integrity, and for keeping human values at the forefront of the growth and development of the company. Today, Capoccetti is still a family business. Maurizio Capoccetti, the company director, collaborates with his two cousins, Luigi, who is sales manager, and Antero, head of retail sales. In recent years, thanks to channeled, farsighted management, the Capoccetti company has shown rapid growth and has expanded into the international sector.
Throughout this evolution, many former ways of doing things have changed, but thanks to an innate flexibility, the know-how acquired during the past 70 years of activity, and the strong need to bridge new development frontiers, Capoccetti's future lies in being the key source, the indisputable proponent of Espresso coffee.
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