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BARCfest Table Reservations
Sunday, September 27, 1988
Boulder County Fairgrounds, Longmont

Cost: $10.00 per table pre-paid.
One admission included with each paid table.

Tables Assigned on First Come, First Served Basis

Your request must be Postmarked by September 18, 1998

Yes, Please reserve _____ tables at $10.00 each = $______.

Plus add _____ extra admission tickets at $4.00 each = $______.

For a total of $______, enclosed.

We need AC power at our table(s): __Yes / __No

Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________

Company Name: ___________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Phone: (_____) ______________________ Fax: (_____) ______________________

Mail this entire page with check for full amount made payable to BARC to:

PO Box 17362
Boulder CO 80308

Your request must be Postmarked by September 18, 1998

Click Here for BARC's main page, Or Here for BARCfest info.