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University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

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at Eau Claire 2 La Crosse 0 According to a release put out by the La Crosse Sports Information Department, "A conflict in the starting time for today's game (Jan. 13) against UW-Eau Claire was ruled a forfeit against the Eagles by WSUC commissioner Dennis Keihn. UW-Eau Claire had the starting time of 3PM while UW-La Crosse schedules listed the game at 7PM. The game is considered a loss in the conference but not on the overall record. The NCAA rules state the game will be called a "no contest" and should not be considered a forfeit loss, but simply as a game not played. Therefore, the Eagles overall record remains at 7-6. However, the WSUC recognizes the forfeit in the league standings to give UW-L an 0-5 mark in the WSUC"
According to what I heard the reason for the time conflict was because when the league schedules were handed in in the fall, each team had a different starting time for the game and some how it was never cross-checked and noticed until it was too late and Head Coach Charlie Gross received a call at 230PM asking him where his team was.(they were still in La Crosse). Coach Gross has accepted blame for the snafu. Ironically, a near identical situation almost happened the week before asked Oshkosh and was only avoided when the Oshkosh called to ask Gross to reschedule the game to 7PM due to the Packer game that afternoon. The forfiet is thought to be the first of its kind in the history of the WSUC. Said Gross about the incident "I'm responsible for my program and there are no excuses for not knowing what time the game was scheduled...I'm embarassed but its not the end of the world for our program. ...When you think you know something, you don't go out of your way to confirm it. It's just a human mistake."

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