Indonesian Homepage

"Bhineka Tunggal Ika" - "Unity in Diversity
Welcome to the Indonesian home page
Come explore this exotic land, both modern and ancient.

This server contains various databases taken from various resources. Some of them are written in Bahasa Indonesia (the Indonesian language).

Top 10 changes/additions to our pages

  1. Update Berita Indonesia page. (29 October 1995)
  2. Update business page. (29 October 1995)
  3. Added new entries in the list of Indonesians' homepages. (26 October 1995)
  4. Update list of Indonesian mailing-list. (26 October 1995)
  5. Update general info on Indonesia page. (26 October 1995)
  6. ICME 96 call for paper.
  7. Added link to BPS (4 October 1995)
  8. Update page on Irian Jaya. Added information on the Asmat people. (26 September 1995)
  9. Fixed entry in Food page. (22 September 1995)
  10. Update Travel guide page. Added link to Riau. (9 September 1995)

Other Indonesian sources

The following is a list of some Indonesian resources on the Internet and/or Usenet. Anonymous FTP for various information on Indonesia. (gopher server)
Usenet newsgroups:
A comprehensive list of Indonesian Mailing Lists
WWW servers (others are listed in the addresses page and in general page).


General information - - Addresses
Travel guide - - Food: recipies
Science & Technology - - Books, newspaper, etc.
Music - - Arts
* Berita Indonesia: on-line news about Indonesia. (*UPDATE*)
* Business in Indonesia
* Indonesians: Home pages of some Indonesians.
* PanjiKoming (Indonesian comic strip).
* Important dates and holidays in Indonesia. (* NEW *)
* Indonesian Festival in Den Haag.
* InfoAsia
* Miscellaneous statistics on Indonesia
* Treasures from Lombok exhibition.

Budi Rahardjo

Access since 20 October 1995: [odometer image]

$Id: index.html,v 3.1 1995/09/09 10:45:36 rahardj Exp rahardj $
This server is running on a machine at the University of Manitoba.
Comments, suggestions, or questions should be directed to me: