Coming Soon To Your Computer!
The World's First Virtual Publishing House.
Gramercy Press has burst into the Information Age with the help of a sophisticated software package from networkMCI Business. And you will be able to roam the halls of the place, stop into offices, get into the computers of the people working there (such curious folk we humans are) and access the things they're working on: secret projects, curt memos, random thoughts, Machiavellian power plays, and maybe even browse a clandestine love letter or two about to be sent by e-mail across the corridor.
But lest you think this is some hacker's cyberspace vision of a totally imagined company, be advised: if you fancy yourself as one possessed of some measure of literary talent, this is your chance for your work to see the light of pixel.
You will be able to submit your art or literary work and, if we like it, we'll publish it on the Internet. (We hope you have a thick skin; there are lots of very smart critics around the world just waiting to tear it to electrons.) But keep the faith. As they say in the publishing biz, those who can, do. Those who can't, become critics.
This will be a place to take in at your own pace. Have fun. You will be able to tell us what you think; everybody here at Gramercy Press is on-line and we would love to hear from you. After all, you're soon going to know what's in most of our minds.
See you soon!
Peter Hoffman