Personal data file for Winfried Dulz

Dr.-Ing. Winfried Dulz

Would you like to see the whole scene?

Winfried Dulz is head of the research group Distributed Systems II at the IMMD VII of the Institute for Computer Science of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Research interest

Performance evaluation of LAN/MAN protocols with special interest to grammar-based woarkload modeling (English HTML document) , measuring techniques (German HTML document) , performance evaluation techniques for protocol architectures and real-time systems specified with SDL/MSC (German Postscript document) , and multimedia communications (German Postscript document) .

For more information click here.

How to contact me ...

At Uni Erlangen:

+49 9131 85 7929
+49 9131 85 7409
Martensstra├če 3 ┬Ě D-91058 Erlangen
Room 4.139