The History of Wolfram Research, Inc.

In the late '70s, Stephen Wolfram, then a physicist at Caltech, was making significant contributions in a number of areas, including high-energy physics, quantum field theory, and cosmology. During the course of his own work, Wolfram recognized that scientists everywhere were hindered each day by similar complex, time-consuming mathematical computations, which at the time could be computed only by pencil and paper or by writing custom software. Moreover, it became clear to him that a significant amount of scientific research had been neglected or postponed because the means to build mathematical models and to analyze the results numerically and graphically did not exist.

In an effort to provide scientists with a comprehensive mathematical productivity tool, Wolfram assembled a corps of developers to define the architectural elements of an all-inclusive computer system for mathematics and to develop a universal mathematics programming language.

In August of 1987, Wolfram Research was founded, and in June of 1988, the first version of Mathematica was officially released on the Macintosh platform. Fewer than six months later, a version of Mathematica was released for MS-DOS computers. Now users across the world can use Mathematica on over 20 platforms.

Today, Wolfram Research's chief operating officer, Prem Chawla, heads the daily operations of the company and helps lead the development team in providing a comprehensive and versatile technical productivity tool for professionals and researchers who regularly use mathematics. Wolfram Research works continually to make Mathematica widely accessible to users by opening the product's architecture to as many hardware platforms as possible. The company also works to establish the programming language, Mathematica, as a medium in which scientists and researchers can exchange information, formulate ideas, and develop new products.

Wolfram Research distributes Mathematica worldwide directly as well as through a variety of channels, including resellers, distributors, retail outlets, and hardware vendors. Wolfram Research Europe Ltd., based in the United Kingdom, handles distribution in Europe. A Tokyo office, Wolfram Research Asia Ltd., handles marketing in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. For further information on Mathematica, contact Wolfram Research.

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