Downloading MathReader for a SunSPARC running SunOS 4.X

To install MathReader on your Sun SPARC computer, follow these steps:
  1. Download MathReader. If your browser prompts you for a filename when you to save this file on your local drive, use XMathReader.tar.Z.

  2. Verify that this file was uncompressed. (This was probably done automatically by your Web browser.) If this file was not uncompressed, you can do so with this command:

    % uncompress XMathReader.tar.Z

  3. Un-tar the file that was transferred, with the command:
    % tar -xvf XMathReader.tar

    This will create a directory called XMathReader.

  4. Change directory to the XMathReader directory and run the script xfe.install:

    % cd XMathReader
    % ./xfe.install

    This will install MathReader onto your computer.

  5. Optional: Configure your browser to automatically launch MathReader when you retrieve a Mathematica notebook. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

  6. Now you can view a sample notebook with MathReader.

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This page was last modified on: 9 May 1995 at 20:31