Downloading MathReader for the Macintosh

To install MathReader on your Macintosh, follow these steps:
  1. Download MathReader.

  2. Verify that this file was un-BinHex'ed. Your browser will probably automatically launch an external program to un-BinHex this file. If this file was not automatically un-BinHex'ed, do this manually by using an un-BinHex'ing utility (e.g., BinHex or StuffIt Expander). If you don't have such a utility, ask your system administrator.

  3. You should now have a file called MathReader.sea. Double-click on MathReader.sea. This will create MathReader. You can use MathReader to open, read and print Mathematica notebooks.

  4. Optional: Configure your browser to automatically launch MathReader when you retrieve a Mathematica notebook.

  5. Now you can view a sample notebook with MathReader.

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This page was last modified on: 9 May 1995 at 20:31