IBM PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter
This SCSI interface card can be configured using the software supplied by the manufacturer. Please consult the
documentation that came with your SCSI interface card or contact the manufacturer of the SCSI interface card for further information.
Setup Choice for Windows NT 3.5
Type of External SCSI Connector
IBM RS-6000 Connector
Note1: - These (tape) drives are not supported with the IBM PS/2 MicroChannel SCSI Host Adapter
(with cache).
Exabyte 4200
Note2: - To configure an IBM SCSI adapter with a BIOS dated before 1991 for use with Windows NT,
use a PS/2 Reference Diskette version 1.21 or later.
Note3: - On older IBM SCSI controllers the physical drive ID's (what you set the switch or jumper
to on the drive itself) are remapped to logical IDs. It scans from the highest priority
physical ID (6) down to the lowest priority (0) and assigns them in sequential order to
logical IDs 0, 1, 2, etc. All software sees from the SCSI adapter the logical IDs just
as if they were physical IDs.
Note4: - With 2 IBM SCSI adapters, and the boot drive on one adapter and a CD-ROM on the other
adapter, Windows NT setup does not see the CD-ROM drive. This is a HW problem. Put the
CD-ROM on the same SCSI adapter as the boot drive, or use a different SCSI adapter
other than IBM.
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