Ly-a Imaging of Impact Plumes: Report from Gilda Ballester.

We report on the likely detection of H-Lyman alpha emission off the Jovian limb associated with the plume of the impacts of fragments K, and P2 using the modest imaging capabilities of the IUE satellite. Although the PSF at Lyman-alpha is 4-5 arcsec, the emission peaks near/at the limb, and there is also quite extended,weaker emission within the 9"x21" aperture possibly 3-4 arcsec above the limb. Some molecular hydrogen emission is also detected (it appears less extended compared to the H-Lyman alpha, although this could be the effect of low S/N). Impacts Q and R have also been observed but not imaged with the small 3" aperture.

Gilda Ballester for the IUE US-Vilspa observing team.